Sunday, December 26, 2010

One year later: Who was the sharp-dressed man who helped Abdulmutallab board?

Aaron Dykes
December 25, 2010

One year after the “failed” Christmas Day bombing attempt by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, we are more vulnerable than ever. Not from foreign ‘jihadist’ terrorists, or unscanned Thermos containers, but from our own government. If would-be terrorists like Abdulmutallab are our enemy, why have Homeland Security resources been used to threaten and intimidate The People instead of following up on how Abdulmutallab got as far as he did?

What is the real threat we are fighting?
Little did anyone notice, the TSA had already been phasing in body scanners at major airports prior to December 25, 2009 with plans to mainstream them. Before last Christmas, airports like the one I traveled through in Phoenix in October 2009 displayed signs foretelling their imminent arrival. “Why do I have to take off my shoes?” a sign teased, before explaining the need to detect potential explosives. The sign then explained that full-body scanners could soon do away with the need to take off shoes, as the whole body would be examined. That was in the era of Richard Reid, the shoe bomber.
Then Abdulmutallab, a controlled patsy with links to foreign intelligence and supposed-al Qaeda mastermind Anwar al-Awlaki (who in reality is an asset who met secretly at the Pentagon after 9/11), went live with his ‘dud’ underwear bomb. Although it was a complete scare tactic, the ‘failed plot’ sufficiently played up the terror threat that had been waning in the Homeland ever since 9/11.
It was the biggest scare for terrorism in some time, and it has reinvigorated the security theater agenda since, while giving the perfect pretext to implement the body scanners. But it was all a lie (again). The stories of eyewitnesses Kurt Haskell and his wife proved true, as the FBI and other entities had to rework their account again and again to incorporate the known truth. Yet Haskell’s story was never truly followed up on, and we are less safe for it.
want ot read the rest? Go here....

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