Saturday, January 29, 2011

Bernanke is still Fed chief, and the government has substantially increased the Fed's power in the last year

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

While the Financial Crisis Commission Report Looks Impressive At First Glance, It Doesn't Hit Hard Enough ... and Won't Lead to Any Real Change

The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission largely blames Greenspan, Bernanke, Geithner, Summers, the rating agencies, SEC and big banks for the economic crisis. (Here's the final report).

Bernanke is still Fed chief, and the government has substantially increased the Fed's power in the last year. See this, this, this, this and this.

Geithner is still Secretary of the Treasury.

Summers just resigned, being replaced by someone with a virtually identical philosophy, background and mindset as Summers.

The rating agencies are unrepentant, and have not been reined in. They are still government-sponsored monopolies which are accept bribes to give high ratings. And see this.

The SEC is still not acting as a real watchdog, and the banks are still speculating wildly with excessive leverage and acting as predators - instead of supporters - of the real (non-financial sector) economy.

Indeed, the banks are growing even larger, instead of being downsized, even though independent financial experts say that the very size of the banks is hurting the economy. The FCIC report doesn't really tackle that issue (the phrase "too big to fail" does not appear in the report itself, only in a very peripheral way in the footnotes).

Nor does the report detail the fact that inequality in the U.S. is higher than it has been since 1917, and that inequality was one of the prime causes of the economic crisis. The FCIC does not even mention the words "inequality" or "oligarchy", and mentions the word "oligopoly" only once (in a footnote) .

And while the FCIC report discusses mortgage fraud, it does not dig deeply enough into fraud by the largest financial players, detail other types of financial fraud, or push hard enough for prosecution, even though fraud was one of the core causes of the financial crisis, and one of the main reasons that the economy has not stabilized.

For example, the report uses the word "fraud" 46 times, compared to 167 mentions of "leverage". The phrases "control fraud", "accounting fraud", "regulatory capture", "systemic fraud", "criminal fraud" and "criminally negligent" do not appear anywhere in the report, nor do the words "looting" or "Ponzi". The word "prosecute" appears only once (and only in a historical context), and the word "prosecution" appears only 6 times (and half of them are buried in footnotes). The word "corrupt" appears only twice (one of them in a footnote).
Read the rest here....
Visit for more.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Chinese are coming to your state!! Roll out the red carpet, no pun intended. LOL!

From: Second Amendment Committee
To: Second Amendment Committee
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2011 3:24 PM
This is an urgent message!
Read this and spread the word!
Subject: Foreign Trade Zones. This is unbelievable at first, but you will soon realize that there are several motives for the global communists to physically weave our United States territory together with communist China. Read On! Here's what is going on!
Each and every one of our state governors has approved and allocated a certain amount of acres of their U.S. state land to be inhabited by Chinese communists --communists straight from China! They are to set up little towns and live here, supposedly for the purpose of producing Chinese products for sale in the U.S.A. The land the states are giving them for their little towns will be considered [b]"foreign territory[/b]"!!! We are told that the laws of the state (in which these Chinese communists dwell) will apply to the communist Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ). Comment: If so, why are they allowed in here!??! Isn't the whole set up unlawful??? There are 257 of these little communist towns to be built all over the United States. Go to this website and see the list of the states, and how many FTZ's are to be erected in each and every state! Our nation is being peppered all over with these communist closed towns called "zones"! This insane brainstorm by Washington, D.C. officials was just recently discovered by alert citizens in the State of Idaho, where an FTZ is being built there, just south of Boise, Idaho, possibly 30,000 acres of Idaho is going to be used for that FTZ. Check this site quickly before it is removed:  HFS !!!!

When you get to this website, be prepared by having enough paper to print 40 pages, listing all the FTZ's to be built over the whole United States! 257 of these FTZ's! It is absolute insanity!! How gullible are we??? The excuse given for creating communist towns all over our nation is that these Chinese people will produce products for sale in the United States, and the FTZ will eliminate overseas shipping costs of the products they create! A bizarre excuse!!! Can't we manufacture our own products anymore with American workers? How foolish are we to allow this??? Remember the hard-learned lesson taught to gullible people back in ancient times, when the Trojan Horse as built and they pulled it past their protective gates??? Do we Americans look THAT STUPID to the Chinese and to our Washington,D.C. leaders???
It will not mean jobs for Americans. All the help will be Chinese! Besides, it is to be classed as "foreign territory", remember! You won't know what is really going on inside the enclave. Is there any danger for Americans to allow this? What do you think?!!!
It is a known fact that China has been preparing for war against the United States! Many guns are pointed at us. Why should these FTZ's be allowed??? What is the real reason?? Is it that Washington, D.C. needs foreign help to disarm American citizens (who have privately-owned firearms) so that the federal administration can comply with Public Law 87-297, signed into law by J.F. Kennedy for "general and complete disarmament of the United States"? It is a law continually financed by Washington, D.C. That's the law that calls for us to have no more army, no more navy, and no more air force, all of which is to be transferred over on a permanent basis to the communist-dominated United Nations! That law also prohibits all firearms from being owned by American citizens!

Without firearms, there will be no more liberty, freedom, or justice in government. Guns are the main core of the check and balance system. Our nation's founders realized that firearms in the possession of the people are the indispensible safeguard upon which all of the other rights in the "Bill of Rights" depend! That's why the Second Amendment was meant to be honored, treasured, and preserved!
[b]Some people are wondering if the American land in these FTZ's is being given as collateral for the huge debt we owe to China?[/b] Some people are asking: "Does China own us and is our land collateral in case we don't pay the debt?" China is allowing American businesses to get established in China as FTZ's. Americans must build the structures in China, and they must employ all Chinese people to do the work in what is built there. After a short amount of years, the Americans must vacate, leave the buildings and let the Chinese keep the technology and the active operation as on-going. What this amounts to is transferring American technology and management to communist China.
FTZ's are also known as SEZ's (Special Economic Zones) Please relay this information to all your friends. Someone has to answer for this on state and federal levels! What a set-up for sabotage, espionage, and a study on how to take over the whole United States in a war! Because the newspapers and other media are controlled, they will not be reporting on this unless there is a great public outcry. Remember when being a communist was a punishable crime in the U.S.A. My, how we have changed! Complete reversal. Best to take this information to local public officials as well as all your contacts. Please do not delay spreading this information. Check with Idaho Eagle Forum also for updates
"...communists straight from China!" As opposed to our very own domestic variety, hell of a time to be provincial! We have already done this with the invaders coming from the south, so this is a rather moot point.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

"President Eisenhower’s warned us about the growing threat from the powerful military-industrial complex....

.....– and it’s threat to our prosperity – 50 years ago."

"As NPR notes:
On Jan. 17, 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower gave the nation a dire warning about what he described as a threat to democratic government. He called it the military-industrial complex, a formidable union of defense contractors and the armed forces.

Eisenhower, a retired five-star Army general, the man who led the allies on D-Day, made the remarks in his farewell speech from the White House.
Eisenhower used the speech to warn about “the immense military establishment” that had joined with “a large arms industry.”
Here’s an excerpt:
“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist.”
Eisenhower was worried about the costs of an arms race with the Soviet Union, and the resources it would take from other areas — such as building hospitals and schools.
Another concern … was the possibility that as the military and the arms industry gained power, they would be a threat to democracy, with civilians losing control of the military-industrial complex.
Eisenhower also said:
Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.
As James Ledbetter wrote in the New York Times last month:
It is not a stretch to believe that this armaments industry — which profits not only from domestic sales but also from tens of billions of dollars in annual exports — manipulates public policy to perpetuate itself. But Eisenhower was concerned about more than just the military’s size; he also worried about its relationship to the American economy and society, and that the economy risked becoming a subsidiary of the military.
Eisenhower warned that the influence of the military-industrial complex was “economic, political, even spiritual” and that it was “felt in every city, every statehouse, every office of the federal government.” He exhorted Americans to break away from our reliance on military might as a guarantor of liberty and “use our power in the interests of world peace and human betterment.”
On this score, Eisenhower may well have seen today’s America as losing the battle against the darker aspects of the military-industrial complex. He was no pacifist, but he was a lifelong opponent of what he called a “garrison state,” in which policy and rights are defined by the shadowy needs of an all-powerful military elite.
The United States isn’t quite a garrison state today. But Eisenhower would likely have been deeply troubled, in the past decade, by the torture at Abu Ghraib, the use of martial authority to wiretap Americans without warrants and the multiyear detention of suspects at Guantánamo Bay without due process.
Finally, even if the economy can bear the immediate costs of the military, Eisenhower would be shocked at its mounting long-term costs. Most of the Iraq war expenses were paid for by borrowing, and Americans will shoulder those costs, plus interest, for many years to come.
A strong believer in a balanced budget, Eisenhower in his farewell address also told Americans to “avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering for our own ease and convenience the precious resources of tomorrow.” Too many of today’s so-called fiscal conservatives conveniently overlook the budgetary consequences of military spending.
The Independent pointed out Monday:
If you doubt, half a century on, that Dwight Eisenhower had it right, then consider the advertisements on WTOP, the Washington region’s all-news radio station. Every big metro area in the US has one, where car dealerships tout their bargains, and fast food chains promote a new special offer.
WTOP has all that. But it boasts other advertisers too, with names such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics.
These almost otherworldly ads, with patriotic music playing softly in the background, are aimed at a very restricted audience: the government that is their only customer for such wares. For the rest of us, they are proof that in the capital of the world’s richest democracy, the defence industry is a very big player indeed.
Adjusted for inflation, US national security spending has more than doubled since Eisenhower left office. Year after year, the defence budget seems to rise – irrespective of whether the country is actually fighting major wars, regardless of the fact that the Soviet Union, the country’s former global adversary, has ceased to be, and no matter which party controls the White House and Congress.
One common thread however exists: the military-industrial complex, or perhaps (as Eisenhower himself described it in a draft of his speech that was later amended) the military-industrial-congressional complex. Others have referred to the beast as the “Iron Triangle”.
In one corner of the triangle stands the arms industry. The second is constituted by the government, or more precisely the Pentagon, the end-consumer of the industry’s output. In a totalitarian state, such as the Soviet Union, that combination would be sufficient. The US however is a democracy, and a third corner is required – an elected legislature to vote funds to pay for the arms. This is Congress, made up of members who rely on the defence industry for many jobs in their states and districts, and for money to help finance their every more expensive re-election campaigns."
*** There is more! Get the rest of the story here......

Saturday, January 22, 2011

"They" want us to move to Alaska

The evil bastards who are in control of the world we live in have been flooding the networks with survival shows so that we may learn to live in the world they are wanting to create. Recent shows have been highlighting Alaska, such as “Sarah Palin’s Alaska”, "Ice Road Truckers", and the newest shows “Flying Wild Alaska”, and “Gold Rush".

Let’s see….. Alaska where the suicide rate is the highest in the country. I was watching my favorite new show, because I am a private pilot, “Flying Wild Alaska” last night, and the last story on this episode was about a brother of a friend of the main character’s daughter had just committed suicide. It was very sad.

You have to understand these bastards do have some morals, err how be it sick morals, they do want to give us a half chance to survive or to eliminate ourselves in whatever manner we feel appropriate. Watch this series of videos from an interview with Lindsey Williams... "Tragedy Hope & Reality"
This video series was done some time in 2009. Some of the things that are talked about are coming true today. Are you ready??
Part 1
Part II
Part III  Part III in particular will explain a lot of what I am saying. If you would like check this one out first.

Alaska is still open and void with thousands of square miles of land ready for thousands to move up there.

The shows mentioned above are meant to sell the idea. Sarah was brought out into the lime light to help sell people to move to Alaska. That is what she is doing on “her” show. The show really is set up, created, and produced by the very bastards that are about to destroy our way of life. All the survival shows also are there for a purpose, they are not there just to entertain you. There is a specific purpose for these shows. DO NOT ignore them. You will need to know how to survive in the wilderness when they unleash the demonic legions on us. This is in Revelations. Read your Bible! I personally hope that the Lord will come before this all happens. I also hope, and pray for all those who do not know the Lord, for it will be pure hell on earth.

Anyone ever go to see the movie 2012? How about 1984? I did not watch 2012, but I watched most of 1984 until I got depressed and had to shut it off. Again, could these movies be a warning for us?? Can we defete the bastards and return our nation back to what our fore fathers created?? I should hope and pray we will, but WE MUST know our REAL enemies, and I have told you all many times who they are, and it is THEY we have to stop!! Need I bring up who they are again??

Their are plans for depopulation! Don't be fooled. Check this out....

Check out this site.... for tons of information.

Check out these articles ….
and this

Just do a search on the web for human depopulation plan and there are many more articles on this subject.

The Elite are Smarter than You Think!! Prepare Now!! for more in your face info.

Friday, January 21, 2011

"Bilderberg Owned Publication The Economist: Yes, Powerful “Globocrat” Elites Are Running Things, It’s Not A Conspiracy"

Agenda for global centralized control system is public and out in the open
Steve Watson
Friday, Jan 21st, 2011
We have referred many times to the push for a centralized world government control system as the “open conspiracy”. Groups such as Bilderberg, The Trilateral Commission and The Council on Foreign Relations are kingpins of this agenda, shaping the policies of the politicians and power brokers that they have effectively bought.

A rather bizarre article in The Economist today addresses this power structure and far from dismissing it as a conspiracy theory, simply reaffirms the fact that “the cosmopolitan elite” do indeed “flock together” at such gatherings and elusive clubs to shape the world that the “superclass” wishes to inhabit.
Of course, The Economist is a perfect avenue for the open conspiracy to be flaunted, given that its editor is a regular attendee at the annual Bilderberg conference, an admission the piece proudly discloses in its opening paragraphs.
Tongue firmly in cheek, the piece describes Bilderberg as “an evil conspiracy bent on world domination”, and then goes on to affirm that actually yes, the group really does dominate world events.
It was responsible for the single European currency, it plays host to the world’s most influential aristocrats and business people, as well as a small cadre of journalists, representing the biggest global media corporations, who are sworn to comply with Chatham House rules, meaning they cannot disclose any of the “big ideas” that are hatched at Bilderberg.
Get the rest of the story....

Below is a picture of just a few members you may recognize

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Man Dies After House Fumigated With Same Fluoride Compound Sprayed On Food

Steve Watson
January 19, 2011
A man found dead in a house in San Jose, California, Monday was believed to have been killed by a toxic fluoride compound used to fumigate the residence, the same fluoride compound that has found its way into many foods with government approval.

The 45-year-old man, who remains unnamed, was overcome with toxic fumes after breaking into a house covered with a protective tent.
Employees from the exterminator company found the man’s body when they returned to the residence the following morning.
The man had either ignored or missed signs all around the house that warned of the presence of toxic sulfuryl fluoride (SO2F2), otherwise known as Vikane, a chemical used to completely rid buildings of pests.
The screenshots above, from a KTVU news report, clearly indicate that Vikane is a deadly poison.

Indeed, the chemical compound is a known human toxin that can cause hypotension, nausea, pulmonary edema, cardiac dysrhythmia, metabolic acidosis, and, as the unidentified man in San Jose unfortunately discovered, even death.
However, despite this common fact, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) knowingly approved the same deadly compound to be used to spray various food items, including nuts and dried fruits, in order to ward off pests.
Vikane was only recently banned following a petition filed by a coalition of activists including the Fluoride Action Network.
The EPA agreed with the groups’ position that the insecticide and food fumigant is a significant public health risk because it exposes children to excessive levels of toxic fluoride, and because it is a known toxin, reports Natural News today.

Get the rest of the story here....

Schwarzenegger Says He Will Miss Lording Over the Commoners

Kurt Nimmo
January 18, 2011

Arnold Schwarzenegger is bummed out. He is addicted to power but California term limits have removed him from office

Back in the day, Arnie admitted that he admired Hitler, never mind the millions killed and the countless number that disappeared in the concentration camps. He liked to click his heels and salute like a Nazi officer and play Nazi marching songs.

It didn’t bother Schwarzenegger that his popularity plummeted lower than that of Gray Davis, the man he replaced after a recall election. It was just a “snapshot,” the former governor told an Austrian newspaper dismissively. It apparently did not bother him that the people of California wanted to get rid of him.
He also lamented the fact he cannot run for president because he wasn’t born in America.
A few years ago he backed an amendment proposed by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher that would allow anybody to become president, even closet Nazis.
Thankfully Rohrabacher’s proposal went nowhere.
Schwarzenegger said he will probably go back into the movie business. Maybe he can star in a film where he plays the president. Or an SS officer.

Watch the video here.....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

TSA Now Forcing Opt-Outs To Walk Through Body Scanners

Paul Joseph Watson
January 18, 2011
If the experience of a man traveling through Baltimore Washington International Airport last night is anything to go by, the TSA is now forcing people who opt out of the naked body scanner to walk through the machine as part of a psychological ploy to coerce subservience out of other travelers.

Alexander Petersen was passing through security to board a domestic flight to Florida with his wife and three children. After the backscatter x-ray machines were turned on, TSA staff started corralling passengers to go through the naked body scanners. Petersen’s family escaped selection but when he was told to submit to a scan, Peterson declined and opted for the invasive pat down instead.
“They then called for an “opt-out” pat down and still told me I had to go through the machine,” writes Petersen. “I said no, and reiterated that I opt for the pat-down. They said that I just have to walk through the machine and that they won’t turn it on. I said “how do I know it’s not on, just because you say so?” Then, one of the other workers stood inside of the machine where the footprints were and waived for me to go through. With that, I assumed that it was indeed off, and proceeded through the machine for my enhanced pat-down molestation.”
After receiving his advanced grope down, during which a TSA worker felt his crotch and backside, much to the confusion of Peterson’s young son who asked, “what is that man doing to you?,” Petersen reflected on being forced to walk through the machine with assurances that it was “switched off,” even though he had declined to be body scanned.

Upon further reflection, I do not believe this procedure to be arbitrary or isolated. It makes perfect sense in a game of psychological warfare by the government to suppress the will of people to opt out of the intrusive searches being done. What better way than to make that naughty guy that opts out walk through and thereby, in a way, submit to the machine. Otherwise, by walking around the machine, there is a sense of victory. In such a case, one thinks, “I did not submit to that machine and the unwanted xrays and pictures. I did not go through it.” By going through it, there is a sense of defeat. “I had submitted,” one thinks.
Read the whole story here...

TSA Continues to Deny Scanners Store Images

Jason Douglass
January 18, 2011

In a recent decision, a Federal Judge has denied Electronic Privacy Information Center’s (EPIC) request for 2,000 images produced by TSA body scanners. The ruling was based on TSA’s assertion the images were made in a laboratory setting and not made at airport.

TSA has treated this ruling as justification to emphatically reassert their denial that body scanners do not have the ability to store and transmit images.
As a result of the additional lawsuits filed by EPIC, technical specifications of the airport scanners were obtained which refute TSA denials by showing that while the ability to store images is supposed to be disabled, the capability is present nonetheless.
So while the 2000 images are not, as TSA asserts, produced in the field; they are the only disclosed examples of the of the machine’s ability to store and transmit images.
Also from EPIC Memorandum:
EPIC has obtained the technical specifications and the vendor contracts for Whole Body Imaging (“WBI”) devices or “body scanners” commissioned by the Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”), to be deployed by the Transportation Security (“TSA”) in American airports. This came about as a result of a Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) lawsuit that EPIC has pursued against the DHS. EPIC is anticipating the receipt of other documents from the DHS as well as other federal agencies.
Among the key findings, based on the documents obtained so far by EPIC:
Go here to see the findings and to read the rest...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Scientists warn California could be struck by winter ‘superstorm’

By Liz Goodwin
A group of more than 100 scientists and experts say in a new report that California faces the risk of a massive "superstorm" that could flood a quarter of the state's homes and cause $300 billion to $400 billion in damage. Researchers point out that the potential scale of destruction in this storm scenario is four or five times the amount of damage that could be wrought by a major earthquake.
It sounds like the plot of an apocalyptic action movie, but scientists with the U.S. Geological Survey warned federal and state emergency officials that California's geological history shows such "superstorms" have happened in the past, and should be added to the long list of natural disasters to worry about in the Golden State.

The threat of a cataclysmic California storm has been dormant for the past 150 years. Geological Survey director Marcia K. McNutt told the New York Times that a 300-mile stretch of the Central Valley was inundated from 1861-62. The floods were so bad that the state capital had to be moved to San Francisco, and Governor Leland Stanford had to take a rowboat to his own inauguration, the report notes. Even larger storms happened in past centuries, over the dates 212, 440, 603, 1029, 1418, and 1605, according to geological evidence.
The risk is gathering momentum now, scientists say, due to rising temperatures in the atmosphere, which has generally made weather patterns more volatile.
Get the rest here.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

"Chinese Company Sinomach Poised To Takeover Boise"

Jason Douglass
January 14, 2011

With a population just over 200K, Boise Idaho is a small but industrious town. Several U.S. companies are headquartered in Boise including URS Corporation. One of the great Pacific-Northwest cities, Boise is similar to many American towns of its size.

In response to the ‘economic downturn’ Idaho Gov. Butch Otter traveled to China to drum up interest in Idaho.
China has been quickly climbing the ladder of superpowers, surpassing Japan for the number two position in 2010 and has been consistently gobbling up U.S. debt.
Sinomach, the third largest Chinese contractor, answered Gov. Otter’s invitation and is currently in negotiations to build a 30k acre technology zone south of the Boise airport.
The plan, according to an article in the Idaho Statesman, is to build on the Chinese model of self contained cities with all services included.
Because Idaho’s aggressive approach, they are leaving themselves wide open to negative the impacts a deal of this magnitude and focus could manifest.
“Whatever makes the deal go forward,” Jeff Don CEO of Eagle-based C3 told the Statesman.

According to Statesman, the state constitution has even been amended to allow the Boise airport to borrow money to build facilities:
“The proposal could get a boost from this year’s voter-approved constitutional amendment that allows the airport to borrow money to build facilities that can be leased to companies on a long-term basis. The airport commission also has the authority to grant long-term leases and landing rights to air carriers, including those from China.”
There are plenty of figures as to how many people will be employed by the proposed venture, but there are no specific assurances that those numbers represent American workers.
Get the rest of the story here....

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Toxics found in pregnant U.S. women in UCSF study

Victoria Colliver

SF Gates
January 14, 2011
Multiple chemicals, including some banned since the 1970s and others used in items such as nonstick cookware, furniture, processed foods and beauty products, were found in the blood and urine of pregnant U.S. women, according to a UCSF study being released today.
The study, published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, marks the first time that the number of chemicals to which pregnant women are exposed has been counted, the authors said.
Of the 163 chemicals studied, 43 of them were found in virtually all 268 pregnant women in the study. They included polychlorinated biphenyls or PCBs, a prohibited chemical linked to cancer and other health problems; organochlorine pesticides; polybrominated diphenyl ethers, banned compounds used as flame retardants; and phthalates, which are shown to cause hormone disruption.

Read the rest....

Visit this site for more...

Court Rules Government Can Keep Naked Body Scanner Images Secret

Admission that images can be stored, transmitted proves TSA lied

Steve Watson
Friday, Jan 15th, 2011

"A federal judge has ruled that the Department of Homeland Security can keep images produced by x-ray body scanners out of the public domain, in a blow to privacy group The Electronic Privacy Information Center’ s (EPIC) efforts to release more than 2000 of the images that show intimate details of airport travelers’ bodies.

Judge Ricardo Urbina ruled that the DHS does not have to comply with the Freedom of Information Act request to disclose the naked images of those who were screened at airport checkpoints, nor does the government have to release any other related materials.
The judge granted the government’s motion to conclude the lawsuit, issuing a 15-page explanation noting that the images are used to train employees and any public disclosure of such material could reveal vulnerabilities in the technology, thus threatening the agency’s security.
Such disclosures could “provide terrorists and others with increased abilities to circumvent detection by TSA and carrying threatening contraband onboard…” Urbina wrote.
The images EPIC requested “are so closely related to TSA’s rule or practice that their disclosure could reveal the rule or practice itself,” the judge added.
Citing substantial public interest in the release of the images, EPIC Lawyers John Verdi and Marc Rotenberg noted that the government has already released some scanner images into the public domain, therefore there is no justification for keeping the rest under wraps.
“The body scanner program is presently the subject of substantial debate in Congress, between international delegations, and in the media,” the attorneys wrote in papers submitted last year.

Though the ruling is technically a defeat for EPIC, the justification that the images are used for training purposes proves that the machines can indeed store and transmit images, a fact that was vehemently denied by the government during the roll out of the technology into airports across the country.
EPIC has therefore essentially achieved it’s aim of exposing how the government misled the public and then actively lied to the media on several occasions to quell a backlash against the invasive technology."

Read whole story here... WARNING: Some nudity.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Top US Official MURDERED for Exposing Cause of Bird & Fish Kills WMD Phosgene

Sunday, January 2, 2011

"America:Freedom to Fascism" A must watch video!

Are you going to the airport to get to a destinaition, or are you going there..... get all felt up because you don't get any other attention at home?

Are you a pervert?

Watch this...
TSA Full-Body Scanners - Jeffrey Goldberg