Sunday, June 8, 2014

Your Guns Can be Taken Away America

"THE Second Amendment, the right to bear arms. Because of public policy this right is going to be taken away to protect the tortfeasors (co-sureties for the national debt). 
Have you noticed how the government has been pushing that guns may be taken away for a health issue? ....."
..."The banks -- commercial banks and the Federal Reserve -- create all the money of this nation and its people pay interest on every dollar of that newly created money. Which means that private banks exercise unconstitutionally, immorally, and ridiculously the power to tax the people. For every newly created dollar dilutes to some extent the value of every other dollar already in circulation." 

The loss of your sovereign status has all been done by contract. A contract can override any pre-existing law including the Constitution of the United States. Your rights and your sovereign status have been lost through the contracts you've been involved in (in relation to your status) with these bankers. Contracts do not have to be written down on paper. The contracts you have been involved in (in relation to your status) for the most part have been silent contracts. You can have a silent contract as long as you have the three components of a contract present, offer, acceptance and consideration. The bankers have offered you fiat money which has no value. The benefit you receive is that you can buy real property with this fiat money without being put in jail for stealing. The bankers offered this money through the government, you accepted and used this money without objection, which proves your consideration. Because of your acceptance and consideration of this silent contract (without your objection), the bankers have a right to compel you to perform to any stipulations that they might add to protect their investment. Since you are you.
That's why all these laws and acts of Congress came about after 1933. Why do you think you have to have car insurance, drivers license, building permits, seat belt regulations and the coming Health Plan? " ...............................
...........The Constitution before the Fourteenth Amendment no longer applies to you. The only rights you have are those granted to you by your king (government). Any rights that are granted to Fourteenth Amendment citizens can be taken away. For example,THE Second Amendment, the right to bear arms. Because of public policy this right is going to be taken away to protect the tortfeasors (co-sureties for the national debt). Have you noticed how the government has said that this is a health issue? 
About the Fourteenth Amendment: The Negroes were given their United States citizenship by Congress's enactment of the Fourteenth Amendment. Anything that is created by government, can be regulated and controlled by government, through its insular capacity. Another reason was that part of the Fourteenth Amendment made it illegal for a United States citizen to challenge the Validity of the national debt. The government's part in this was to offer benefits to the American people. Thereby, making it possible for the American Citizen to become a citizen of the United States. The acceptance of these benefits changed your status from a large C Citizen (proper noun), to a small c citizen, which made you subject to the government. If you'll look at the Constitution you'll see that prior to the Fourteenth Amendment, Citizen was a large C and after the Fourteenth Amendment this changed to a small c. Another way your status changed was by your signing government forms that used the metaphor United States citizen. For example on your 1040 form or W2 form or passport etc., you were asked if you were a citizen of the United States (the word of in law means belonging to) small c, because you didn't know the words United States was a metaphor, you said sure and signed the forms. "
You MUST read the WHOLE story here.. Part 1 - A Country Defeated In   to understand the WHOLE context of it ALL!! The read PART II here.. Part 2 - A Country Defeated In Victory

If you are REALLY ambitious you need to see this site James Montgomery and start digging for more dirt on what is going on.