Thursday, February 16, 2012

Your Pastor is Recruited By Homeland Security to...

You pastor is to make you obey the government under marshal law. They are to make you feel good about giving up you gun(s), you r home, or to get on that train. If you do not know about that train, ask me and I will give you  tons of information on that. Just a hint.. Know that happened in Nazi Germany?
This should make you feel good about going to church on Sunday.?? Now I am more sure that I am better off not going to church. Religion has been responsible to wars and clashing against otherwise nice people just for the reason, "my church is the only church anyone should go, or the Methodist are the only way to heaven, you will go to hell if you do not go to the Catholic church. You are evil if you do not go to church." Tell me those statements will not cause some conflict!! You will be a liar!! 
Check out all the following. 
Homeland Security Enlists Clergy to Quell Public Unrest if Martial Law Ever Declared 
Clergy Response Teams 

The following video was removed because it fell into the latest Youtube category of do not let the people know the truth. 
For more on this just do a search of clergy being used by government, or Homeland Security, or FEMA. It should make you think!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Videos you must see


I am hoping you will watch these videos and let me know what you think of them.
Warning: The information is like nothing you have ever seen. Very educational.
"The Obama Deception"
"The REAL History of America" No it is not titled that, but it should be. What we were not taught in school for a reason. Stay with it because it starts to current events on 9/11 then later goes DEEP into some events that dates way back
"Missing Links The Definitive truth of 9/11"
"Rothschilds to Bring America to it's Knees."
If you find this information interesting and worthy of others to see, please pass this on. Thanks

Sunday, February 5, 2012

U.S. Bridges, Roads Being Built by Chinese Firms

This is an example of what the NEW WORLD ORDER is all about. WE should not be shocked to see this as this is the beginning of what is to come. I have warned and told all I know and have told them to tell others this is no bull! I was not full of it. It was coming and is going to get worse. We do not live in a free country. The United States is no more. IT is a corporation that is to be bought and sold on world market. WE owe China so much this was bound to happen at anytime. It is up you all to prepare for some hard times like we have never seen before. I mean the writing is on the wall. There are people out there who have been out of work for years and there are ones who will NEVER ever have a job again. IT is evident by the rising crime by desperate people who cannot get food or shelter because there is no money or a way for them to make money to buy food or shelter. They will be better off by being arrested and put in jail or prison which is one of the reasons they do crime. The more brutal the better becuase they will get 3 hots and a cot with shelter on OUR tax money! Open your eyes!! Are you able to protect yourself and your loved ones? If you don't think so, you better learn how to. Take some self defense courses. Make sure you have good locks on your doors and windows. Have a gun available. I'm sure by now you have heard on the news about a young mother in Texas that saved herself and child by killing a man who was about to harm them. She knew how to use a shotgun!!
Think about this folks. It does not matter if you pray your heart our and go to church every Sunday, a desperate person with nothing to loose will do what ever it takes to get money or food or a place to stay out of the elements. Praying will not stop them but a gun will. Think about it.
Now watch this...