Monday, February 28, 2011

Vaccines activate moron genes that cause further belief in vaccines

Mike Adams
Natural News
February 27, 2011

Weekend satire special: New research accidentally conducted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has discovered that vaccines activate the “moron” genes that normally lie dormant in human beings. Once activated, these “moron genes” cause individuals to lose higher brain function and the ability to question false information fed to them by doctors, drug companies and the media. This, in turn, results in even more people pursuing repeated vaccines, further causing expression of the moron genes, over and over again, until their brain function collapses to the level of a raw vegetable… otherwise known as a “voter.”

Because of their disastrous effects on higher brain function, these vaccines are now being called “Moron Vaccines.”

Moron Vaccines contain all the usual ingredients of flu vaccines and MMR vaccines, including methyl mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and DNA fragments from diseased monkey organs. (This is truly what’s found in other vaccines…)

But Moron Vaccines have one ingredient that’s slightly different. As Dr. All Proffit, a leading vaccine patent holder, explained, “Moron Vaccines are much like regular vaccines, except instead of taking diseased material from infected cows and monkeys, we take brain cell samples from existing morons which are easy to find among our colleagues. We then weaken those brain cells to make them even more moronic, and then we inject them into infants and children, mixed with a bit of mercury to make sure it targets the neurological system for maximum effectiveness.”

The result? As Bill Gates explains, “Billions of children each year are being saved from IBFD.” IBFD is short for “Intelligent Brain Function Disorder. It is an affliction affecting hundreds of millions of people each year, causing them to achieve dangerously high levels of cognitive function that causes them to ask inappropriate questions about vaccines such as, “Why have vaccines never been tested against non-vaccinated children?” Or, “Why do vaccines cause some children and teens to collapse into autism, comas or death?” Or, “Why don’t flu vaccines actually prevent flu symptoms in 99 out of 100 people who receive them?”

Those questions have no place in today’s medical system, where the correct answer to every disease is — as doctors are routinely taught — “More vaccines!”

Get the rest of the story here....

Sunday, February 20, 2011

.Scientist finds Gulf bottom still oily, dead

By SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science Writer Seth Borenstein, Ap Science Writer – Sat Feb 19, 8:53 pm ET

WASHINGTON – Oil from the BP spill remains stuck on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, according to a top scientist's video and slides that she says demonstrate the oil isn't degrading as hoped and has decimated life on parts of the sea floor.

That report is at odds with a recent report by the BP spill compensation czar that said nearly all will be well by 2012.

At a science conference in Washington Saturday, marine scientist Samantha Joye of the University of Georgia aired early results of her December submarine dives around the BP spill site. She went to places she had visited in the summer and expected the oil and residue from oil-munching microbes would be gone by then. It wasn't.

"There's some sort of a bottleneck we have yet to identify for why this stuff doesn't seem to be degrading," Joye told the American Association for the Advancement of Science annual conference in Washington. Her research and those of her colleagues contrasts with other studies that show a more optimistic outlook about the health of the gulf, saying microbes did great work munching the oil.

"Magic microbes consumed maybe 10 percent of the total discharge, the rest of it we don't know," Joye said, later adding: "there's a lot of it out there."

The head of the agency in charge of the health of the Gulf said Saturday that she thought that "most of the oil is gone." And a Department of Energy scientist, doing research with a grant from BP from before the spill, said his examination of oil plumes in the water column show that microbes have done a "fairly fast" job of eating the oil. Lawrence Berkeley National Lab scientist Terry Hazen said his research differs from Joye's because they looked at different places at different times.

Joye's research was more widespread, but has been slower in being published in scientific literature.

In five different expeditions, the last one in December, Joye and colleagues took 250 cores of the sea floor and travelled across 2,600 square miles. Some of the locations she had been studying before the oil spill on April 20 and said there was a noticeable change. Much of the oil she found on the sea floor — and in the water column — was chemically fingerprinted, proving it comes from the BP spill. Joye is still waiting for results to show other oil samples she tested are from BP's Macondo well.

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Agenda: Grinding America Down"

"They say that all roads lead to Rome. That’s true, in a sense, about everything, including our own government. And if you follow the roads that lead to Washington, you’d be very surprised.
Our government isn’t what it looks like. There’s something at work here, behind the scenes, trying to bring this republic to her knees.
No, I’m not talking a conspiracy. A conspiracy is a plan devised in private between two or more people to commit a subversive act. I don’t think what’s happening to our country is in any way private.

I think they’re being quite bold about what they’re trying to do.
And whether their agenda is called liberalism, humanism, socialism or what, it all comes down to a common worldview and how they want to transform this country. In fact, America has an enemy that is very close to seeing its goals and objectives realized – and the American people can see the results of this plan in every corner of their existence if they will only open their eyes.
Joseph Stalin said, “America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.”
In 1958, Cleon Skousen authored the book The Naked Communist. In this book he cited 45 declared goals of the Communist party to destroy America from within. Included in these goals were:
■Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
■Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.
■Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.
■Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.
■Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
■Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
■Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations.
■Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, and policy-making positions.
■Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
■Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression.
■Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
■Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a “religious crutch.”
■Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”
■Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
■Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”
And you thought communism was dead – it’s only been renamed. It comes to us in the guise of socialism, progressive thought, and social justice. And if you look at their entire list, they are horrifyingly close to realizing their goals.
See the rest of the story here.... for more in your face!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

If you value your privacy, pay cash!!

What electronic payments reveal about you to lenders
Your credit card is a tattletale, telling creditors about your behavior
By Connie Prater
Editor's note: See updated version of this article: What you buy, where you shop can affect your credit
Think of it as an electronic bug in your wallet.
Every time you make a purchase on a credit card or debit card, a record of that transaction is logged into a database of information collected by your credit card issuer
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In exchange for the convenience of using plastic, you also give up something some people hold dear -- privacy. Many privacy experts warn that consumers should be mindful of what they buy with plastic.
How much do credit card issuers know about your purchases? What can they legally do with the information?
Privacy questions
"Obviously that is something that most credit cardholders are not going to think about," says Paul Stephens, director of policy and advocacy for the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, a San Diego-based privacy rights groups. "They've obtained a credit card and think they can go out and use it in any way they like."
Have you used your credit card at merchants specializing in secondhand clothing, retread tires, bail bond services, massages, casino gambling or betting? Your credit card issuer may be taking note -- and making decisions about your creditworthiness based on your purchasing behavior. The reason: Buying used clothing or retread tires may be an indication of financial distress and a preamble to missed credit card payments or defaults.
Increasingly, issuers tightening lending standards are using purchasing data as a basis for increasing interest rates, reducing credit limit or both on customers considered more risky by virtue of where they shop or what types of goods and services they buy.

Experts say cardholders concerned about keeping purchasing habits private or avoiding credit score dings should consider using cash or gift, stored value or prepaid debit cards. Shopping at large supermarkets or wholesale clubs -- which offer a variety of product lines -- may also keep some purchases private. Other tips: Spread purchases that may indicate risky behavior over several credit cards to avoid triggering an alert for a single issuer.
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Farmers watch harsh winter crush their livelihoods

HARTFORD, Conn. - For Northeastern farmers long used to coping with all sorts of cold-weather problems, this winter presents a new one: snow and ice that's bringing down outbuildings, requiring costly repairs, killing livestock and destroying supplies.

Farmers in Connecticut alone have lost at least 136 barns, greenhouses, sheds and other structures as snow measured in feet, not inches, accumulated while January passed without a thaw.
"We've had other challenges," said Joe Greenbacker, a partner at Brookfield Farm in Durham, where a fabric-covered "hoop house" caved in and killed a calf. "But this is the most snow I can remember on the ground and the biggest problem with roof issues I can remember."

Losses still are being totaled by the state Agriculture Department. Commissioner Steven Reviczky says no one can remember a more destructive winter.
The Northeast is suffering through one of its most brutal winters in years, with cities all along the seaboard reporting snow piling up at a record-setting pace. Connecticut has been especially hard-hit, with Hartford reporting 81 inches since Dec. 1, compared with an average of 46 inches, according to the National Weather Service.
A huge storm that swept in from the Plains this week proved to be a tipping point, dropping heavy ice and sopping rain that coated or soaked into snow piled on rooftops. Houses and commercial buildings crumbled, along with farm buildings, which tend be older or less sturdy.
In the Northeast's short season for growing, winter woes are no stranger to farmers. They're used to having to, say, turn on sprinklers to beat back a late frost on their strawberries.

"That happens every now and again," Reviczky said. "But this is a situation where buildings are coming down. This is way outside the box of what is a normal challenge."
No human deaths have been reported, but animals haven't been so lucky. In Northumberland, N.Y., 25 cows were killed and 200 rescued when one side of a barn's 400-foot-long peaked roof collapsed Wednesday night.
In Connecticut, 85,000 chickens were killed when a coop collapsed and 14 dairy cows and the Brookfield calf were killed, including seven cows lost when two buildings collapsed at a farm in Ellington, Reviczky said.
In Somers, two horses at Lindy Farm were euthanized after being trapped in rubble from an overnight barn collapse caused by heavy snowfall Jan. 27. International trotting star Moni Maker survived along with 12 other horses.
A wing that was not damaged housed 15 pregnant mares ready to deliver in a month, said John Belskie, a manager at Lindy Farm.
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Retiring Outside the U.S. No Longer a Foreign Concept

By: Cindy Perman Staff Writer
Retiring in another country used to be a foreign concept to most Americans but it’s becoming more common thanks to two main factors: the Internet and the economy.
The Internet has provided some much-needed connectivity to family, friends and access to important things like bank accounts and retirement accounts.
And, while saving money has always been important to retirees, the recession and subsequent hit to retirement accounts, plus rising taxes and health-care costs, have made it a necessity for many. So when retirees get priced out of warm-weather cities in the U.S., cheaper alternatives in other countries become more attractive.

“You can live better for less in a tropical paradise,” said Dan Prescher, the special projects editor for International Living magazine. “It sounds like a dream but you can actually never shovel snow again and live off of half of what you’re living on in the U.S. — or less!”
International Living has seen a huge jump in attendance for their annual seminar on retiring outside the U.S., where they bring in experts to answer questions on everything from financial planning and real estate to foreign currencies, expat taxes and legal issues. A few years ago, they used to get about 150 to 175 people. That more than doubled to 400 last year and this year, they’re looking for a venue that can hold 500.
“For a huge number of people in the U.S., especially the Baby Boomers coming into the market, the retirement they dreamed of just isn’t possible in the U.S.,” Prescher said. “You can take those same funds outside the U.S. to a place like Belize, Ecuador, Panama or Costa Rica and live for half as much and have what is essentially a better quality of life, with less stress, less pollution and get as good a health care benefit.” he said.

That’s an important concern for many retirees — the quality of medical care. But, you might be surprised to learn that medical care is often more affordable and just as good — if not better — in other countries as it is in the U.S. In many of these countries, doctors even make house calls, something Americans pay a premium for in the U.S.
The only downside is that Medicare doesn’t cover you outside the U.S. Some retirees have gotten around that by flying back to the U.S. on Medicare runs.
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Saturday, February 5, 2011

How America Became a Communist Nation

Feb 1st, 2011
By Porter Stansberry
The root of the problem the world is facing right now isn’t really governments… or banks. The real problem is simply a very bad idea – the idea that the State ought to sit in the center of society. And the foundations of our modern State are based on the demands of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto. Let me explain…
The last 100 years (since 1914) saw not only the end of the classic gold standard, but also the fantastic ascendancy of the nation-state.
These two trends are inherently and dangerously related.

Until World War I, the central government of the United States, for example, played a small role in the lives of its citizens. Its powers were strictly limited, as were its revenues. It was specifically barred from taxing citizens directly. It was a humble government that interacted with the individual states in the union, but didn’t interact much with individual citizens.
The first signs of change came after the Civil War. “Progressive” ideas began to emerge. Most of these ideas came from Germany, from philosophers like Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The core of these ideas was that the State itself was superior to its citizens. Therefore, the argument went, society ought to be organized to better accomplish the goals of the State.

Today, most Americans have no idea that the foundations of our modern State are based – nearly verbatim – on the demands of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto.
In 1848, Marx threatened to organize a worker’s revolution unless European governments:
1. Abolished property rights and applied all rents towards public purposes.
[Modern corollary: Don't pay your property taxes, lose your house. So who really owns your house?]
Go here for the rest of the story...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Michigan attorney Kurt Haskell. Witness to seeing person who delivered patsy bomber on Flight 253

"Michigan attorney Kurt Haskell who was a passenger on Flight 253, infamous for the so-called underwear bomber. Haskell blew the whistle on the sharp dressed man who delivered patsy Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to the flight. Mr. Haskell says the government is lying to him and his fellow Americans about what really happened."

Read on...
"Following up on a visit from FBI officials about an eyewitness account first described to, Michigan attorney Kurt Haskell described the visit in comment sections across MLive on Wednesday.
Haskell and his wife, Lori, were aboard Flight 253 when Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab allegedly tried to destroy the plane. They say another man tried to help Abdulmutallab board the plane in Amsterdam.

Haskell had two detailed posts in two different stories. Here is Part One, originally posted here (Nothing below in the indent has been changed. Only links have been added.):
Today is the second worst day of my life after 12-25-09. Today is the day that I realized that my own country is lying to me and all of my fellow Americans. Let me explain.
Ever since I got off of Flight 253 I have been repeating what I saw in US Customs. Specifically, 1 hour after we left the plane, bomb sniffing dogs arrived. Up to this point, all of the passengers on Flight 253 stood in a small area in an evacuated luggage claim area of an airport terminal. During this time period, all of the passengers had their carry on bags with them. When the bomb sniffing dogs arrived, 1 dog found something in a carry on bag of a 30 ish Indian man. This is not the so called "Sharp Dressed" man. I will refer to this man as "The man in orange". The man in orange, who stood some 20ft away from me the entire time until he was taken away, was immediately taken away to be searched and interrogated in a nearby room. At this time he was not handcuffed. When he emerged from the room, he was then handcuffed and taken away. At this time an FBI agent came up to the rest of the passengers and said the following (approximate quote) "You all are being moved to another area because this area is not safe. I am sure many of you saw what just happened (Referring to the man in orange) and are smart enough to read between the lines and figure it out." We were then marched out of the baggage claim area and into a long hallway. This entire time period and until we left customs, no person that wasn't a law enforcement personnel or a passenger on our flight was allowed anywhere on our floor of the terminal (or possibly the entire terminal) The FBI was so concerned during this time, that we were not allowed to use the bathroom unless we went alone with an FBI agent, we were not allowed to eat or drink, or text or call anyone. I have been repeating this same story over the last 5 days. The FBI has, since we landed, insisted that only one man was arrested for the airliner attack (contradicting my account). However, several of my fellow passengers have come over the past few days, backed up my claim, and put pressure on FBI/Customs to tell the truth. Early today, I heard from two different reporters that a federal agency (FBI or Customs) was now admitting that another man has been held (and will be held indefinitely) since our flight landed for "immigration reasons." Notice that this man was "being held" and not "arrested", which was a cute semantic ploy by the FBI to stretch the truth and not lie.

Just a question, could that mean that the man in orange had no passport?
However, a few hours later, Customs changed its story again. This time, Mr. Ron Smith......"
Read the whole story here..... for more in your face!