Sunday, April 24, 2011

TSA: An Army of Pervs and Criminals. Still want to fly your kids to Disney??

If so, YOU are a child abuser!! I would love to have you arrested as such!!
Read on what just one crosseyed TSA bastard did to young girls. It could be yours!! Don't let it BE!! Stop flying!! Stay home!! There are many things you and your family can do closer by.
Kurt Nimmo
April 24, 2011
Thomas Gordon Jr. of Philadelphia, a TSA “screener,” was arrested on March 24 and charged with distributing more than 100 images of child pornography via Facebook. He allegedly uploaded explicit pictures of young girls and also is said to have posted a photograph of himself in his TSA uniform, Fox News reported on Saturday. Gordon was arrested by Homeland Security and is being held without bail
Federal agents also note Gordon routinely searched airline passengers, despite the fact the searches are unconstitutional and illegal. A growing number of district attorneys around the country have indicated they may charge TSA employees with sexual assault.

The Drudge Report linked the story and it was reported by Fox News, the Philadelphia Inquirer, and a handful of other news sites, but was virtually......
Read the whole story here.....

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Complaining About TSA Molestation Will Get You Profiled as a Terrorist

Kurt Nimmo
April 15, 2011
According to CNN, the government considers “arrogant complaining” about TSA Gestapo tactics at the nation’s airports to be an indication of terrorist behavior.
Objecting to TSA goons molesting your six year old daughter is characterized as “contempt against airport passenger procedures” and will likely get you profiled as a “high risk” passenger and probably a terrorist.

Race, religion or ethnicity are not considered a “behavioral indicator,” according to the government, even though terrorists supposedly acting on September 11, 2011, were Muslims, or so the government concluded after conducting a shoddy investigation, even though several members of the 9/11 Commission suspected deception on part of the Pentagon and consider its final report highly flawed.
“Expressing your contempt about airport procedures — that’s a First Amendment-protected right,” Michael German, a former FBI agent who now works as legal counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union, told CNN. “We all have the right to express our views, and particularly in a situation where the government is demanding the ability to search you.”
Read and get the rest of the story here. ...

Saturday, April 16, 2011


A new breed of terrorist is revealed in 89th edition of the Reality Report. Angie reports on Iceland's rejection of banker bailouts, John Boehner's next budget war, the latest from Libya and Radiation found in 13 states drinking water. A member of the American Institute of Architects, Richard Gage, is interviewed about the collapse of three buildings in the World Trade Center complex on 9/11. American Free Press Roving Editor, Mark Anderson join Gary Franchi to let us in on what happened at the elite gathering of Bretton Woods II, and Wayne Madsen gives us the latest from Washington DC. A prominent Senator is forever branded an Enemy of the State and we read your feedback in the Mailbag.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Man Made Earthquakes, Tornados and Hurricanes? Learn about HAARP!

Folks you are about to learn that the earthquake in Japan was man made and for a reason. Population reduction!!
Think about it.
Check out the ocean currents in the Pacific. What are they doing with the water from the damaged reactor?
Check out the prevailing winds in the jet stream. Where are the particles for the exploding reactor going?? Have we not found trace amounts of radioactive particle in some states?
Folks forget left or right, republican or democrat or what EVER. These are nothing more than distractions to what certain people in this world are doing to us. Take heed. WE are up against a much BIGGER threat to our way of life and I am going to expose them.
Research more about HAARP.
Check out the following videos.
Warning: Disturbing photos!
1 Tornado
2 Tornado
Prediction on 5/19/2011 for DE and MD

Video I
Video II
Joplin , MO.
Video I The prediction
Video II
There are more videos offered on the side menus at YouTube.