Friday, December 30, 2011

Are you Really a Conservative Republican?

If you think so then read the Republican Party beliefs here and then check out what each republican president is for. Go to their websites!! I think you will find that Ron Paul is the ONLY conservative candidate such as... HE IS for less government, and MORE individual rights!! If you want to smoke pot and cigarettes, so what if you want to destroy your health, that YOUR business. STATES have the only rights to control what laws they want to put on the books NOT the FEDERAL government!! If the state you live in makes pot smoking illegal and you don't like that, MOVE to a state that does make it legal. This comes under the "Free from Oppression" section below. That's just an example. 
So go ahead and read the beliefs below. You just might find that you are a government loving left wing "liberal"??? If you believe the "Patriot Act" and sending troops outside of OUR borders, you are!! 
"Liberal", as many conservatives love to place on left wing government loving individuals, have you ever stopped to think what that word means and how it should more be attached to REPUBLICAN?? 
Let's define liberal! We’ll use the dictionary to make it simple and after you read the definition ask yourself what YOU ARE!! 
Liberal as a noun: a person who is liberal: as a : one who is open-minded or not strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional, or established forms or ways b capitalized : a member or supporter of a liberal political party (see 1liberal) c : an advocate or adherent of liberalism especially in individual rights .learners-link div.learners-link-content 
See liberal defined for English-language learners » 
Examples of LIBERAL
a policy that is supported both by liberals and conservatives in Congress 
Origin of LIBERAL
(see 1liberal) 
First Known Use: 1820 #spanish_reference .learn_more { margin-bottom: 16px; } 
Learn More About LIBERAL
Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for "liberal" 
Spanish-English Dictionary: Translation of "liberal" Encyclopedia article about "liberal"
Ref:  Go there to see all highlighted links and references. 

The Republican Party beliefs

The People's Party
It all started with people who opposed slavery. They were common, everyday people who bristled at the notion that men had any right to oppress their fellow man. In the early 1850’s, these anti-slavery activists found commonality with rugged individuals looking to settle in western lands, free of government charges. “Free soil, free labor, free speech, free men,” went the slogan. And it was thus in joint opposition to human enslavement and government tyranny that an enterprising people gave birth to the Republican Party.
In 1856, the Republicans became a national party by nominating John C. Fremont for President. Four years later, with the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860, the Republicans firmly established themselves as a major political party. The name "Republican" was chosen because it alluded to equality and reminded individuals of Thomas Jefferson's Democratic-Republican Party.
All of Us Equal
In 1861, the Civil War erupted, lasting four grueling years. During the war, against the advice of his cabinet, President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation that freed the slaves. The Republicans of the day worked to pass the Thirteenth Amendment, which outlawed slavery; the Fourteenth Amendment, which guaranteed equal protection under the laws; and the Fifteenth, which helped secure voting rights for African-Americans. All of these accomplishments extended and cemented the fundamental freedoms our nation continues to enjoy today.
The Republican Party also played a leading role in securing women the right to vote. In 1896, the Republican Party was the first major political party to support women's suffrage. When the 19th Amendment finally was added to the Constitution, 26 of 36 state legislatures that had voted to ratify it were under Republican control. The first woman elected to Congress was a Republican, Jeanette Rankin from Montana in 1917. So it was by hardworking Republican hands that color and gender barriers were first demolished in America.
Free from Oppression
Republicans believe individuals, not government, can make the best decisions; all people are entitled to equal rights; and decisions are best made close to home. These basic principles are as true today as they were when the Party was founded. For all of the extraordinary leaders the Party has produced throughout its rich history, Republicans understand that everyday people in all 50 states and territories remain the heart and soul of our Party.
Presidents during most of the late nineteenth century and the early part of the twentieth century were Republicans. The White House was in Republican hands under Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. Under Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, the United States won the Cold War, releasing millions from Communist oppression, in true anti-big government Republican spirit.
Elephants, Not Donkeys
The symbol of the Republican Party is the elephant. During the mid term elections in 1874, Democrats tried to scare voters into thinking President Ulysses S. Grant would seek to run for an unprecedented third term. Thomas Nast, a cartoonist for Harper's Weekly, depicted a Democratic donkey trying to scare a Republican elephant - and both symbols stuck. For a long time, Republicans have been known as the "G.O.P." with party faithful believing it meant the "Grand Old Party." But apparently the original meaning (in 1875) was "gallant old party." When automobiles were invented it also came to mean, "get out and push." That's still a pretty good slogan for Republicans who depend every campaign year on the hard work of hundreds of thousands of everyday volunteers to get out and vote and push people to support the causes of the Republican Party.
Freedom Fighters
Abolition. Free speech. Women's suffrage. These were all causes the Republican Party adopted early on. So, too, were reducing the size of government, streamlining bureaucracy, and returning power to individual states. With a core belief in the primacy of individuals, the Republican Party, since its inception, has been at the forefront of the fight for individuals' rights in opposition to a large, intrusive government. 
Read more: 
New World Order - Presidents IN THEIR OWN WORDS "The Constitution is nothing but a goddamn piece of paper. " - George W. Bush

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Congress Just Declared War on American People!!

Do YOU REALLY want a military killing force on our streets ready to snap if they catch you saying something or doing something that may catch their suspicions?? REALLY??

Do you know that our military or any military does NOT come under the SAME laws as Police?? The military has ONE mission, and that is to defend our nation. They may kill you or take you in as a prisoner of war and you may never get a fair trial.

Do you know that we are now under the same laws that communist counties are under??

Do you remember history?? We just let our Congress and Senators pass a law that does just that!! You don’t even know about it, because the mainstream media, which whether they admit it or not INCLUDES FOX NEWS, did not cover anything about it.

What was the law?? S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act. Look it up! There are too many blind people in this nation and it is going to get us all harmed. Thank God many are waking up.

That's not all!! 'Indefinite Detention' Bill Passes Senate 93-7!!

New World Order - Presidents IN THEIR OWN WORDS "The Constitution is nothing but a goddamn piece of paper. " - George W. Bush

Saturday, December 3, 2011

It matters NOT who you vote for President. Watch this video

You are about to learn why it matters not who you vote for President. REALLY! You have no control or say who is going to be President but an elusion. It only give you the warm fuzzy feeling that gives you the “right” to gripe when they do something  you do not like. THAT”s ALL!
Watch this… 
David Icke - The One Party State (Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protestor - Part Two)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Feds Confiscate Fisherman’s 881-Pound Bluefin Tuna…Worth Maybe $400k!

Feds Confiscate Fisherman’s 881-Pound Bluefin Tuna…Worth Maybe $400k!

After the crew on a boat Rafael owns captured a giant bluefin tuna in the waters near Cape Cod, Rafael hoped to the sell the fish and perhaps net a something similar to the $396,000 that a 745-pound specimen sold for at an auction in Tokyo back in January. Rafael’s catch was 881 pounds.
However, the Times reports that Rafael received a rude awakening when his boat sought shelter in Provincetown Harbor on November 12:

China’s Economy on the Brink of Collapse

China’s economy is on a dangerous track and may soon experience a crisis worse than the European debt crisis, Chinese economists say.

Since the Chinese regime implemented a series of “tightening” policies to curb the real estate market, home prices have been falling across China. Meanwhile, land sales–the main source of local governments’ revenues–have also dropped sharply.
In late October, several developers in Shanghai abruptly lowered home prices in new developments by 20 to 40 percent. Soon after, price cutting spread to Beijing, Hangzhou and Ningbo in Zhejiang Province, and Nanjing in Jiangsu Province. Recent homebuyers, unhappy about the sudden devaluation of their investments, staged protests with many demanding refunds.

End of Huge Profits

“The price cuts in Shanghai are just the beginning, the worst time will be the first season of next year,” an analyst at Centaline China Property Research in Shanghai told The Epoch Times. He added that the era of huge real estate profits will no longer....

Chinese Government Official: ‘US Threat To Pakistan Is Threat To China’

The Chinese military stages massive wargame exercise near Pakistan in response to build-up of U.S. troops
Paul Joseph Watson & Yi Han
Thursday, December 1, 2011
The Chinese military has staged a massive wargame exercise near Pakistan in response to a build-up of U.S. troops in the region as a top Chinese government official warned that any threat to Pakistan would be taken as a direct threat to China.
In a report by China’s Central Television translated for us by a native Mandarin speaker, an unnamed government official warned, “Any threat to Pakistan is a threat to China,” in response to increasing hostility directed towards Pakistan by both the US and NATO in the aftermath of aNATO bombing that killed 26 Pakistani soldiers last week.
Pakistan responded to the airstrike by sealing its border with Afghanistan, preventing supplies from reaching the US-occupied country.