Sunday, January 29, 2012

Tiny Children's Fingers Slave to Build Those Toys You Love

That shiny new iphone or other pretty phone or electronic toy you may have is built with slave labor of young children as young as 12 years old. Tiny children’s fingers are required to assemble them, contrary to popular belief that machines build them. Have you even tried to disassemble them and put them back together?? Clearly a machine CANNOT assemble these precious toys you covet!! Now how do you feel about that toy?? If does not phase you then you are not human, but a slave supporter.
Chinese Slave Labor Make It Possible For Apple To Make Billions

More here..
Free Market Paradise-so bad workers must pledge: "no suicide"
News Update: Foxconn & Apple Inc. Picketed in Hong Kong Over Worker Suicides (AAPL)
Children or Slaves: Child Labor in Asia
There are tons more on on this subject! Just do a search for Chinese slave labor!! Search YouTube also!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Mark of the beast has come to India. More to take it?

Get ready to make that decision. Will we be next? Sorry it has already happened with the new driver's licenses the states are now forcing us to take. Read this...Cashless Society: India Implements First Biometric ID Program for all of its 1.2 Billion Residents 
It could be time to start working on survival lessons. I have noticed that there are stepped up shows on the Discovery Channel about how to survive on the land. I'm dead serious we are going to have to depend on friends, family, and friendly strangers for our future survival? 
Life as we know it is about to change as we know it. ... 22 Signs That We Are On The Verge Of A Devastating Global Recession 
I would not take this lightly. 
The government is getting into our lives and shutting down small businesses and the means many are trying to do to make a living. Just as an example... I watch the show on the Discovery Channel called "Gold Rush", and I have seen the promos for this week's show, and it appears that the government as come and shut down at least 2 of the mines that are on the show. If you want to watch it, it comes on Friday nights at 9:00 p.m. EST. Check it out. That means at least 2 families will not be able to mine for gold they need badly so that they may have money to survive on this rocky economy. Sad!!
You cannot hide from this!! You MUST face the facts so that you will be able to do what is necessary to live and survive in these times!! Get out of debt!! You don't need that fancy new car, new laptop, new iphone or blackberry made by slave labor in China, that big new house! All you need is the basics and you better stock up on them!! Food, clothing, and shelter because it's about to get nasty!! 
If you cannot pay cash for it, you cannot afford it!! 
New World Order - Presidents IN THEIR OWN WORDS  "The Constitution is nothing but a goddamn piece of paper. " - George W. Bush go there!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Satanic people are in charge of our destiny.

Whether you like it of not, Satanic people are in charge of our destiny. It does not matter what part of the world you live in!! It will end of course. We can stop it. 
With the voice of John F. Kennedy in the speech that got him killed. If you will take any time at all to look at ALL the video of the Dallas parade you will see at one point about a quarter of a mile from where he was shot, most all the secret service members stepped off the limo leaving he and his wife in full view of anyone to shoot him. Beware! 
Watch video offered.. SECRET SOCIETIES NOW RULE THE WORLD ( SEE THE INFO ) Be sure to check out all the other videos offered on the side menu. There's plenty more to see. Also look up videos on the Rothschild families!
This is one reason I would rather not see Ron Paul win because it would be his death, because he is meddling with the powers that be as in exposing them, and their criminal actions in the money making (stealing) banking system and military industrial complex. 
Their ultimate goal A NEW WORLD ORDER under a slave type society where individual rights are no more and you are a slave (If you are still living, because they want to depopulate the earth so that people would be easier to control. Right now they say there is too many people. 
Sorry but that is the plans and we have no control of it. Or do we?? Most of us here know we do. 

US Troops Blow Up Dog Just For Fun

If you are civil, you will NOT want to watch this. 

More of the “good” deeds done by bored military members being ambassadors of this wicked run nation. THIS has to stop!! I bet these scum bags never got any kind of punishment and probably went to have a drink at the bar and come home hero's!! How many other times this has happened that NEVER got documented??? There are many that have been documented, but that I know of has anything been done to punish the bastards???

NO WONDER THE REST OF THE WORLD HATES US and wants to kill us all!! 

WE need to get out of countries and leave their defense up to them!! Germany is just ONE nation that has benefited by having us there in numerous locations as in the Army and Air Force to help with their defense!! That is money they are saving by not have such a large military because they don't have to have one. It is no wonder they are able to have some of the best infrastructure in the world where they have the best roadways, railways, airports, best water to drink, and an electrical system that has NEVER seen a day that the citizens ALL OVER the country have NEVER been without power for at least 30 years!! Not one day!!! I was stationed there, did several temp duties there throughout my career, and do not remember being without power. 

Time for Germany to belly up and start defending themselves along with hundreds of other nations that are sucking up our military for their defense!! 

Time to pull the plug and defend our borders!! We will STILL have a strong military 10 times over what we need, thus we would have to down size the military to a safe level, and you can bet NO other country will have a chance to attack us. We will be safer to boot!! 

And Israel?? You bet!! They can more than defend themselves and contrary to what their American counterparts say.... THEY DO NOT WANT OUR HELP!! Just watch this... feature=player_detailpage&v=91VgMK7nUqE  

Got it?