You pastor is to make you obey the government under marshal law. They are to make you feel good about giving up you gun(s), you r home, or to get on that train. If you do not know about that train, ask me and I will give you tons of information on that. Just a hint.. Know that happened in Nazi Germany?
This should make you feel good about going to church on Sunday.?? Now I am more sure that I am better off not going to church. Religion has been responsible to wars and clashing against otherwise nice people just for the reason, "my church is the only church anyone should go, or the Methodist are the only way to heaven, you will go to hell if you do not go to the Catholic church. You are evil if you do not go to church." Tell me those statements will not cause some conflict!! You will be a liar!!
Check out all the following.
Homeland Security Enlists Clergy to Quell Public Unrest if Martial Law Ever Declared
Clergy Response Teams
The following video was removed because it fell into the latest Youtube category of do not let the people know the truth.
For more on this just do a search of clergy being used by government, or Homeland Security, or FEMA. It should make you think!!