Sunday, March 18, 2012

Satan Controls What You See and Hear on ALL Media!

Watch this video to see how Satan with his music and other entertainment Illuminati are controlling what you see and are sending signals in all their broadcasts including FOX network. Ever happen to notice how you just get wrapped up in a show or FOX news?? Ever wonder why Fox keeps promoting Mitt Romney?? Trust me there is a reason! 
Watch the video!!

They killed Michael Jackson because he was exposing them watch this... 

And this... 
Michael Jackson in interview.. "I do not want to say too much" "I'm hurting"

The Illuminati killed Michael Jackson.. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

No one has ever been a US citizen BY LAW of STATUTE

We in the United States, and if you live in another country I'm sure this applies also (you will have to investigate this yourself), are under the control of man-made laws, not God-given laws. This nation was NOT created under God's hand or authority as many have been led to believe!! We all were. Think about it!! If if was, then why are we not under God's law??? Think about it! Would not things be so much better if it were??

"But when they register to vote they are, AND,  by  Presumption ONLY on the part of the corporation. All  courts are private as stated in my "Which One Are You" book, published 20 years ago,  On page 119.  All  agencies are  Private corporations.   All  law is  based  on Presumption.  I  am giving this  to you  as I speak.  T  This is now November 10th2011.  What do I mean by Presumption?  The law of contracts is by presumption and the corporations use it all the time .Who are these corporations?  The UNITED STATES and all 50 STATES.  Why do they all appear in caps?  Because artificial corporations have to use all caps in their name. Check out your STATES Secretary of STATE’S UCC Section. When corporations are registered to do business.  All have to have their names in capital letters.  That is why they have tagged you as a US Citizen. By presumption on their part, you are their subject, as you are now deemed by them,  to be a person.  By presumption.  Let’s look up the word Presumption..  
To get more of an insight as to what this is all about, if you are still a bit confused, watch the following 6 video series. This will help explain things more clearly. NOTE: DO NOT look for the site mentioned!! 

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6