Thursday, April 5, 2012

Just ONE Globalist bankster money making scheme:

Grow poppy plants where they grow well in Afghanistan, have it guarded be American troops, have it shipped aboard unmarked military type aircraft to secret location to be processed and then shipped again via civilian aircraft or whatever to the US and distributed. Get caught.. too bad, you go to one of the globalist owned prisons being paid for by taxpayers
Don believe this is happening?? Find a soldier that has been there and have a nice talk with them if they are not scared of be knocked off or being harmed of their family being harmed, for whistle blowing. 

1. Grow, process and distribute cocaine cheaply and make tons of money!!
2. Dummies get caught in any part of the processing, sales and distribution, make tons of money from tax payers for housing them for years at time in one of their prisons. There is money to be made in ownership of prisons. Anyone want to pitch in on one?? The US has one of the largest prison populations in the world. Many in prison are in there for petty crimes or for trumped up charges that they could not afford a proper attorney to defend them with. Sad. 
And we are told we live in a free nation?? NO WAY!! WE, were lied to, and the globalist owned media continue to spew we live in a free nation. It used to be that Europeans could not get on a boat or plane fast enough to get to the states, but now days they would just as soon stay where they are at. 
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