Something HAS to be DONE to STOP this madness. In the mean time, be cautious in how you approach a police officer, and mind what you say, because you might say something that will make them spring into some sort of action that could land you in the clinker!!
Your child or grandchild has graduated from school and now they cannot get a job that will allow them to MOVE OUT ON THEIR OWN and start their own family. Well, you may want to introduce them to this low start up cost business. Please listen. For a free one-time consultation about this, please call 302-423-4286 IF you are serious about their future. We will only speak with people who are serious. Go here to learn about this opportunity..
Do NOT bark at, a police dog or you will be in the clinker in no time flat!! Check this out:Florida linebacker arrested for barking at a police dog at 4:15 a.m.f And now this....
"Court OKs Barring High IQs for Cops" THAT folks, is the problem!! Those of you thinking of coming to America because you have been mislead that this is a nation of the free and opportunity. Well look somewhere else. Don't even think about it coming here, because our nation is crumbling.
"Police killed more Americans' in 2014 than all U.S. mass shooting combined."
Protester: Cops Laughed About Having License to Kill
Muslim Assaults Pastor, What Happens Next Is Why I Fear For America
You CAN film police officers on the job as long as you are NOT within 15 feet of them, and are NOT interfering with them!! You are merely recording their actions which is a RIGHT you as a citizen who is paying their salary has!! WE have to keep them honest!! Kelly was tasered, beaten with batons, punched and kneed repeatedly, and was even hit in the face with the end of a Taser. After the beating, you can hear Kelly in the video slowly dying as his desperate screams for his father trail off into groans of 'Daddy' and then stop altogether as he loses consciousness. It's important to note that the paramedics treated the officers before tending to Kelly, as he laid in a pool of his own blood. See video here.
Florida man shot, apparently without warning, from police officers Sign the petition to demand justice (the cops are on paid leave, on the taxpayers' dime. Click here and share on Facebook and email.
These people are protected by being members of Freemasonry, and Fraternal Order of Police!!
I am telling you that these towns, cities and states need to do a more through evaluation stress test of police officers and new recruits!! There needs to be tests done to present and new officers BEFORE they are let on the street. ONE test is to do a surprise undercover provoking test on them by stable officers undercover. If the officer on duty snaps, then they NEED to be arrested, and fired from the department. THIS will not happen until families of victims start suing cities and towns for millions of dollars for abuse by police officers unfortunately. THAT is the SAD truth. Until then we ALL are subject to police abuse!!
STAY OUT OF NEW YORK CITY!! You may want to watch your back and be prepared to PROTECT YOURSELF IF you decide you want to take a chance to visit New York City!! Check this out!!
Officially The NYPD Has No Duty to Protect & Serve
Think there are cops who want to make it on this page. Until then, the BEST thing is to try to avoid ANY contact with a police officer, do NOT do ANYTHING that will make them get involved with you. Stay clear of them!! There are only a very few who are human and decent. IF you do have an encounter with a police officer, do as they say and ask of you. DO NOT try to pull the old "I've got my rights" statement because you have NONE. WE live in a POLICE STATE which is set up for the NEW WORLD ORDER and under the War Powers Act of 1933 which put this corporation called the United States in a state of emergency. THAT has been amended and reinstated every year since then. Under that Act delegated by these statutes, the President may: seize property; organize and control the means of production; seize commodities; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and, in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens." Go here for more on that.
Officially The NYPD Has No Duty to Protect & Serve
THIS article backs up much of what I have said.. "Ever wonder why cops yell “quit resisting” as they beat a person who’s not resisting? Or why they shoot people who pose no threat? Maybe the answer is right in front of us." Read the rest here.
I suffer from a balance problem brought on by a brain injury from an automobile accident. I sometimes worry if a stupid cop will try to arrest me for public drunkenness while walking in public. Idiots probably will and then I have to defend myself and hire an attorney. I will then sue the officer and the city they work for!! They are nothing but punks!!
I suffer from a balance problem brought on by a brain injury from an automobile accident. I sometimes worry if a stupid cop will try to arrest me for public drunkenness while walking in public. Idiots probably will and then I have to defend myself and hire an attorney. I will then sue the officer and the city they work for!! They are nothing but punks!!
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More moron cops. Sick bastards!! |
Think there are cops who want to make it on this page. Until then, the BEST thing is to try to avoid ANY contact with a police officer, do NOT do ANYTHING that will make them get involved with you. Stay clear of them!! There are only a very few who are human and decent. IF you do have an encounter with a police officer, do as they say and ask of you. DO NOT try to pull the old "I've got my rights" statement because you have NONE. WE live in a POLICE STATE which is set up for the NEW WORLD ORDER and under the War Powers Act of 1933 which put this corporation called the United States in a state of emergency. THAT has been amended and reinstated every year since then. Under that Act delegated by these statutes, the President may: seize property; organize and control the means of production; seize commodities; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and, in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens." Go here for more on that.
- COP ASKS MAN FOR LICENSE, SHOOTS HIM WHEN HE GOES TO GET IT The video showing a shooting involving a former South Carolina state trooper and an unarmed man has been released to the public
- SCHOOL COPS BRUTALIZE TEEN GIRL OVER CELL PHONE 10th grader refused to relinquish her private property
- FL Dad Charged with Assaulting Cops, Here's what Really Happened!
- Cops Shoot Pastor in Ferguson
Inflicting pain on those who dare resist.
Gruesome Video of Police Killing a Man for Breaking Up a Fight Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/gruesome-video-police-killing-man-breaking-fight/#tqFtmuG8TfU2VlIs.99
- Is That A Tylenol? I’m Gonna Throw You Down and Pry Open Your Mouth to Find Out!
- Cop Shoots Dead an Unarmed, Tased and Subdued Teen, “We don’t have time for this” Bang!
- New footage of Imperial Cops Murdering a Veteran Over Traffic Stop
Video: Riot Cop Brutally Attacks Female Student For No Reason
- Video: Kid Screams in Agony As Cop Snaps His Arm"
- Arrested For ‘Free Speech’ At Town Council
- Police Shoot Unarmed Airman After Minor Traffic Accident (VIDEO)
- Freaking power happy ANIMAL COPS!! The College Admin should be sued along with the cops!! "College Sends Police to Arrest Its Employee After She Marked on Wall Map to Help Students – Cop’s Lapel Camera Caught the Whole Thing"
- Baltimore Cop Kills Girlfriend's Puppy: Text Her Pictures
- Mother Slaps Daughter, Cops Move In And Kill The Dad (Video)
Here is more work done by wonderful cops. NOT!! WHEN IS THIS GOING TO STOP?? "Cops Beat Unarmed Man To Death In Front Of Family, Confiscate Camera That Recorded It"
- Cops Taser Deaf Man Having Diabetic Attack
- Retard Cops Choke and Tase Deaf Man for being "Unresponsive"
- Woman Who Alleges Abduction, Sexual Assault by LAPD has Video on Her Side (VIDEO) 27-year-old pharmacist Kim Nguyen was hospitalized for two weeks, had her jaw wired shut, and lost several teeth after a security camera captured her tumbling from a moving LAPD squad car.

- Philly teen blames stop-and-frisk for ruptured testicle
- Sheriff’s Deputy Executes Unarmed Man Surrendering With Hands In The Air (VIDEO)
- Cop guns down man over a car accident (GRAPHIC, VIDEO)Police Beat Elderly Deaf Man For ‘Refusing Orders

- Ex-Cops Get Away With Murder (GRAPHIC, VIDEO)
- Man With Disassembled Airsoft Gun Shot In Head ByPolice
- Cop Kills Unarmed Man After Sarcastic Remark
- Kids Arrested Waiting for School Bus
- Police Arrest Man for Photographing Cop Car as Daughter Records Chilling Scene
- DAD’S ATTEMPT TO TEACH SON A LESSON ENDS IN THE MOST TRAGIC WAY IMAGINABLE"....The father is now outraged and confused as to why police were so quick to use deadly force....."
- "Man suffers nightmare for not stopping compeltly at stop sign
- Dumb ass retard cops do it again; Video: Dallas Cop Shoots Mentally Ill Man Standing Perfectly Still
- Woman alleges illegal strip-search by LaSalle Sheriff Video
- Police Pepper Spray, Arrest Father Of Dying Teen For Yelling At First Responders Who Allowed Her Body To Roll Off A Gurney As She Died
- Police Run Over, Kill Man For Seatbelt Violation
- Police officer and school sued for abusing and tasing deaf 12-year-old boy (VIDEO)
- Police serve warrant at wrong house, shoot their dog, now refuse to pay vet bills (VIDEO)
- Police officer charged in fatal shooting of unarmed man who had just survived car accident
- Dumb ass cops at it again.. "(Video) Cops Open Fire in Crowded Time Square...."

- Man caught illegally sleeping on beach is beaten on video and has his head held underwater by police
- Cops hold kids at gunpoint for climbing on school roof, rough them up and arrest them
- Police Arrest Man For Having a Stroke
- FULL] Shocking Video Shows Cop Beating Shoplifter
- Officer Pigman Pepper Sprays Girl... "Let her enjoy it" he says.
- Man to Sue Police After Being Shot While Walking Home Holding His Shorts
- Indiana police threaten to Taser black firefighter in the face for waving at them
- Police are routinely seizing cash and valuables from citizens without warrants
- Police Taser boy with broken back 19 times
- Cop Kills Unarmed Homeless Man For Calling Her a “Bitch"
- Syracuse Police Taser a Disabled Man for Standing on a Bus - New York
- Quad City Police Officer Beats Female Shoplifter
- 14 Year Old Shot By Police, Obama’s Launching Point To Take Away Your Gun This is an outrage!! STAY AWAY from them!! You don't know what kind of animal is inside that uniform!!
- Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America
- Footage Surfaces of Cop Slamming Female Student to Pavement, Breaking Her Teeth
- Mommy! It hurt! Tragic Last Words of Down syndrome Man, 26, MURDERED BY POLICE After He Refused to … Leave a Movie Theater
- Off-duty AZ cop accused of pointing gun at clerk
- Texas Police Officer Knocks Teeth Out of Female Pedestrian
- Texas Police Officer Shoots Unarmed 14-Year Old Hiding in Shed
- Lawsuit: HPD officers broke man's spine
- Gestapo cops in Pittsburgh forcefully barge into woman's home over uncut grass
- More and more children are being arrested for trivial things, here is a list of 19.
- Cops Shoots Unarmed Woman Motorist To Death For Rolling Up Her Car Window
- Police Shoot and Kill Dog in front of owner. (graphic video!!) Sad!
- "Why did you shoot me? I was reading a book"
- Police Beat a Father To Death While He Begs For Help -Then Arrest Witnesses and Confiscate Video
- Cop caught on Tape: Police Beat a Woman almost to Death
- Cop Kills Dog, Tries To Buy Owner's Silence!
- Cop caught breaking the law
- 4th of July DUI Checkpoint - Drug Dogs, Searched without Consent, while Innocent
- Cops Shoot Family Dog Just Because
- Gun seizures trigger fear of massive police power
- Honor Student Inexplicably Beaten by Police “I Awoke Spitting My Teeth Out On the Ground”
- Off-duty police officer shoots family’s ‘big softie’ dog in front of 12-year-old owner
The Rise of the Warrior Cop

City Denies Man’s Claim After Police Shot at Him Mistaking Him for Christopher Dorner - http://bit.ly/15zpYxo

- Ex-Cops Get Away With Murder (GRAPHIC, VIDEO)
- Man With Disassembled Airsoft Gun Shot In Head ByPolice
- Cop Kills Unarmed Man After Sarcastic Remark
- Kids Arrested Waiting for School Bus
- Police Arrest Man for Photographing Cop Car as Daughter Records Chilling Scene
- DAD’S ATTEMPT TO TEACH SON A LESSON ENDS IN THE MOST TRAGIC WAY IMAGINABLE"....The father is now outraged and confused as to why police were so quick to use deadly force....."
- "Man suffers nightmare for not stopping compeltly at stop sign
- Dumb ass retard cops do it again; Video: Dallas Cop Shoots Mentally Ill Man Standing Perfectly Still
- Woman alleges illegal strip-search by LaSalle Sheriff Video
- Police Pepper Spray, Arrest Father Of Dying Teen For Yelling At First Responders Who Allowed Her Body To Roll Off A Gurney As She Died
- Police Run Over, Kill Man For Seatbelt Violation
- Police officer and school sued for abusing and tasing deaf 12-year-old boy (VIDEO)
- Police serve warrant at wrong house, shoot their dog, now refuse to pay vet bills (VIDEO)
- Police officer charged in fatal shooting of unarmed man who had just survived car accident
- Dumb ass cops at it again.. "(Video) Cops Open Fire in Crowded Time Square...."
- Man caught illegally sleeping on beach is beaten on video and has his head held underwater by police
- Cops hold kids at gunpoint for climbing on school roof, rough them up and arrest them
- Police Arrest Man For Having a Stroke
- FULL] Shocking Video Shows Cop Beating Shoplifter
- Officer Pigman Pepper Sprays Girl... "Let her enjoy it" he says.
- Man to Sue Police After Being Shot While Walking Home Holding His Shorts
- Indiana police threaten to Taser black firefighter in the face for waving at them
- Police are routinely seizing cash and valuables from citizens without warrants
- Police Taser boy with broken back 19 times
- Cop Kills Unarmed Homeless Man For Calling Her a “Bitch"
- Syracuse Police Taser a Disabled Man for Standing on a Bus - New York
- Quad City Police Officer Beats Female Shoplifter
- 14 Year Old Shot By Police, Obama’s Launching Point To Take Away Your Gun This is an outrage!! STAY AWAY from them!! You don't know what kind of animal is inside that uniform!!
- Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America
- Footage Surfaces of Cop Slamming Female Student to Pavement, Breaking Her Teeth HOW LONG ARE WE GOING TO ALLOW THIS??
- Mommy! It hurt! Tragic Last Words of Down syndrome Man, 26, MURDERED BY POLICE After He Refused to … Leave a Movie Theater
- Off-duty AZ cop accused of pointing gun at clerk
- Texas Police Officer Knocks Teeth Out of Female Pedestrian
- Texas Police Officer Shoots Unarmed 14-Year Old Hiding in Shed
- Lawsuit: HPD officers broke man's spine
- Gestapo cops in Pittsburgh forcefully barge into woman's home over uncut grass
- More and more children are being arrested for trivial things, here is a list of 19.
- Cops Shoots Unarmed Woman Motorist To Death For Rolling Up Her Car Window
- Police Shoot and Kill Dog in front of owner. (graphic video!!) Sad!
- "Why did you shoot me? I was reading a book"
- Police Beat a Father To Death While He Begs For Help -Then Arrest Witnesses and Confiscate Video
- Cop caught on Tape: Police Beat a Woman almost to Death
- Cop Kills Dog, Tries To Buy Owner's Silence!
- Cop caught breaking the law
- 4th of July DUI Checkpoint - Drug Dogs, Searched without Consent, while Innocent
- Cops Shoot Family Dog Just Because
- Gun seizures trigger fear of massive police power
- Honor Student Inexplicably Beaten by Police “I Awoke Spitting My Teeth Out On the Ground”
- Off-duty police officer shoots family’s ‘big softie’ dog in front of 12-year-old owner The Rise of the Warrior Cop

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City Denies Man’s Claim After Police Shot at Him Mistaking Him for Christopher Dorner - http://bit.ly/15zpYxo |