Saturday, May 30, 2020

Three Year Veteran of Police Department Murderd by Black Man

Officer Cody Holte, a three-year veteran of the Grand Forks Police Department, was murdered (shot to death) yesterday by Salamah Pendleton, and most people don't even know it happened. 
There are no burning building, no protest around the nation. 
I be YOU did not know he was kill by black man. 
Sadly many will celebrate a white police officer was murdered.
You did not hear about this crime bevies the officer was WHITE! 

Colby Holt

The scumbag, punk,  black man, Salamah Pendleton,
who killed him. May he rot in prison, or
die by lethal means. 

Friday, May 29, 2020

Violent Tactics By Police Departments Needs to STOP!

WHY did NOT the other police officers stop the officer from what he did to George Floyd??
ANSWER: WHAT civilians do not understand is, that if the officer who is doing the offense, is the higher ranking officer, they are NOT able to override him, or her, nor intervene!! HE, or she is the ranking officer either through rank, or time in service. THAT is how rank is observed in the military or police departments. It is just like where civilians work. The one who is there longest and with the most experience is the one who is in charge!!

ALSO the tactics that police officers are using are those that they were trained to use that came from police tactic training in Israel. Many do not know that many police departments are using trains they got from ISRAEL which is a particular violent tactic force. THESE NEED TO BE STOPPED!! THIS is NOT Israel NOR should ISRAEL USE these tactics. They are INHUMANE 
Read on.... 

"US and Israeli Police Are Sharing Violent and Repressive Tactics"

Here are more sites you can go to below, to get more verification of the US/ISRAEL ties to violent police actions  and tactics!! 

THIS needs to be known by all and get this corrected!! The case with the recent George Loyd death has to see that this does NOT HAPPEN AGAIN!! 

U.S.-Israel Strategic Cooperation: Joint Police & Law Enforcement Training 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Trump Just Showed His Cards

Well, well!! Trump just sealed his membership into the New World Order leadership!! 
He just showed whom he is loyal to!! He is a globalist New World Order communist!! 
He said he will be using the military to distribute vaccines!! THAT is what communist nations do!!
He said a few weeks ago that everyone has "GOT TO GET THE SHOT"!! THAT is HIS words!! THAT is a communist like order!! He is forcing us to have vaccines!! 
He is going to force, under the leadership of Satanist, Bill Gates, to have us ALL vaccinated! I will refuse!! 

They will have to put me in prison, and I will fight them there!! 
Romans 13 does NOT apply folks!! It ONLY applies if laws are in compliance with GODLY laws that are from NATURAL laws!! LEARN THIS!! Many of the laws on the books are NOT natural Godly supported laws, but are for the serving of satanic men for THEIR purposes and gain. 

THINK about it!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


If you want to know if the person you are listening to is on the up and up, so to speak, look at how they are being attacked, injured and how some have been killed for the things they have exposed or have spoken about or written about. THOSE are the people I tend to pay attention to. Satan will attack, or kill people who do these things. It is THESE people I respect, TRUST, and listen to. Example William (Bill) Cooper who was a former Navy intelligent officer who spoke all over the world at speaking engagements (go to Youtube and just search for the name William Cooper) about the crimes this nation and other governments were doing. He was killed by the CIA on his front lawn in front of his wife and child. He was ambushed by these men with guns. Then there is Eustace Mullins of the book “Curse of Canaan” and other books he wrote, that was run off the road and suffered life changing injuries. He was left for dead. Jesus was killed for teaching the truth and exposing His enemies, which if we are TRUE Chistians, these people would be OUR enemies also. WE have enemies today that are trying to destroy us. They are trying to stop us from meeting in worship houses we come to to worship Him. On and on.
I have enemies. There are people who hate me. Yep I have a target on me. I wear that as a badge of honor. When Satan does not want the truth to come out he attacks. When I am being attacked by him, you know I am on the right track. 
When videos of people who are exposing the sins and crimes of groups or governments are being demonetized or scrubbed from their Youtube channels or their channels have been banned, THOSE are the people I will trust. 
“Know more News” is just one who has been demonetized meaning he not longer makes money from ads. There are more I will not list here. THIS is why whenever they post something of interest, I will download and save it before Youtube takes it down. 
John F. Kennedy paid a price for this treating to expose and shut down the secrete societies and other entities that were destroying our nation. 
Nixon, Reagan, all paid a price for not following the narrative of the world rulers. YES, there are world rulers!! It starts with Satan. Then there is a unknown family that I heard about but have not been able to find information on them again the another unknown name of ruling family you have never heard of here in the states, but are well known in Europe, the Rothschild family. If you read the free downloadable pdf ebook “The History of The House of Rothschild” you will learn more about this demonic family. There are other books about them and a video on Youtube that tells their story. 

The Rockefeller family who married into the Rothschild family over 100 years ago, are a ruling family. Again, if you read “The History of The House of Rothschild”, and other literary books about this family, you will learn more families they are tied into through marriage. It is disturbing because they control ALL the money in the world!! Nations owes them trillions and of dollars in loans from the CENTRAL BANKS like the Federal Reserve bank, they run and own. 

Below are some eBooks you SHOULD read to get a better understanding of what is going on. 
“Curse of Canaan”
 From the last page “.... The choice is one which must be determined and made, and the decision is not far off; will the people of Shem accept God's Promise to Abraham, or will we continue to allow ourselves to be deceived by the Satanic Masonic Order of Canaanites? There is nothing in between-and if we persist in doing the Satanic work of the Canaanites-America will become NOTHING. 

“Behold a Pale Horse” full text.

“The History of the House of Rothschild” By Andrew Hitchcock here..

Saturday, May 9, 2020

You Need to Know These Things. We are lied to.

Please watch the following videos I downloaded from youtube simply to save them from being deleted by Youtube which is on a tear to delete the truth from coming out. If after you have watched these videos, and you STILL do not feel compelled to rise up with your fellow Americans, and world citizens to take back our God given rights, then you are just as good as dead. See you in heaven?
I would ask you to find the producers of these videos, and give them a donation or at least find the video and watch it so they will be paid. Many do not get paid because they have been demonetized by Youtube, because of their material.  
Bill Gate slips, and says something that will shock you!! Listen closely.

 This presentation is from "Detox Life" on Youtube Please look them up. Please give a donation.

"They're not working; they're not traveling," Cuomo said. "... They were predominantly at home."

Visit search site link below for video and clips of predictions.. 

To learn who is behind all the lies and who are running governments, tells kings, queens, prime ministers, and presidents of nations what to do, and how high to jump: you need to read this little book for a history you were never taught in ANY school or universities, for a REASON!! 
ALSO you can visit this site for a more illustrated history of this family. 

ALSO you should read the following ebooks offered for FREE in pdf to get your eyes opened further. You can read them online or download, then print them. 
"Behold a Pale Horse" by William (Bill) Cooper

"Curse of Canaan" by Eustace Mullins 

"Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt

The coming Communist New World Order. Get rid of Christians!!

Two Doctors Discuss why You Should NOT be Wearing Masks

In the above presentation, you may want to FF to 20:00 minute for the start of the interview.

SHOULD you REALLY use a MASK?? See presentation below by Dr. Pamala Popper, and the rest of the videos you can find on her Youtube channel.

They tell you what they are going to do in the movies they produce and TV shows they produce. If you do not know who "THEY" are. You need to make sure you take time to read "The History of the House of Rothschild", about a little family you were never told about, for a reason. 
Fifteen times the Simpsons have predicted the future. See clip below. There is a reason. The writers were all a part of the people who are behind them all. They simply create the material. They warn you. It helps their sick conscious. Pay more attention to the movies and TV shows that come out. There are real messages in them!! 

THE video below is a must see if you see no other. It is yet another layer of information you should know about who is running things. 

The Above Seven Screen Shots Come from the Following Presentation..