As this latest Black Friday clearly demonstrated, Americans are literally willing to trample one another to get the best deals on cheap foreign-made plastic crap. Meanwhile, as thousands of factories and millions of jobs continue to get shipped overseas, the United States is rapidly turning into a post-industrial wasteland. Once great manufacturing cities such as Camden, New Jersey have become crime-ridden, gang-infested hellholes. In some U.S. cities, the "real" unemployment rate is around 30 or 40 percent. The American people desperately need jobs, but the American people are also showing no signs that they plan to give up their addiction to cheap foreign goods. Our politicians keep insisting that the American people just need "more education" and "more skills" in order to compete, but they don't ever seem to explain how more education and more skills are going to make new jobs pop into existence out of thin air. The truth is that the American Dream is rapidly becoming the American Nightmare and there is not much hope that any of this is going to turn around any time soon.
300x250 The video posted below is a compilation of video footage from this past Black Friday. It is absolutely shocking to see what average Americans will do to each other just to save a little bit of money on cheap foreign-made goods....
Go here to see the video and the rest...
To make matter worse... do you know that there are U.S. companies that are selling Chinese made products as made in U.S.A?? There are!! There is a company in Clayton DE called Eagle Group is doing that. ONE product of interest they sell is hand sinks. They may add certain items to the product like side splash guards or pedestals, but the main product including all the hardware sold with them are made in China and then boxed in boxes that say “MADE IN U.S.A.”.
HOW can you tell if you purchased one of these for one thing, the bowls are made of cheap looking metal and is in fact 400 series stainless steel NOT good 300 series! How can you tell? If you take a magnet to the surface and it attracts, it is 400 series. If it were 300 series it would NOT!
If you can look on the back side of the sink/bowl, you will notice BRUSHED on silver paint to hide welds. You will also notice ROUND “QC” inspection stickers. ALL Chinese methods.
If you suspect that you have one of these items, please return it to your dealer, or take what ever action you feel appropriate.
Bottom line is you should at the LEAST request ask for a lower price as I would bet that Eagle Group is paying pennies on the dollar for these pieces of crap made in China!!
If you own wire shelves from Eagle Group take a look at the posts that come with them. If the posts just look just too pretty and shiny and the numbers are PAINTED on and NOT stamped, they are made in CHINA!
Be wary of Eagle Group products!! Make sure you are not being ripped off!! Buy REAL American products when you purchase.
Eagle Group has accelerated the purchasing of products made in China. Make sure you are not being stiffed, and hurting fellow American jobs!!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Doctors Sound TSA Germ Alert!!
Posted: November 24, 2010
9:09 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
Syphilis, lice, gonorrhea, ringworm, chlamydia, staph, strep, noro and papilloma viruses all are part of the possible fringe benefits when airline passengers next go through a full hands-on pat-down by agents of the federal government's Transportation Security Administration, according to doctors. WND reported two days ago on alarmed passengers who noted that TSA agents doing the pat-downs that have been described by critics as molestation since they include touching private body parts were not changing gloves between passengers. In fact, some apparently were patting down dozens of passengers or more wearing the same gloves.
But neither the TSA nor federal agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control was willing to comment on the possibilities that infections and other loathsome afflictions could be passed from passenger to passenger.
Now two doctors – and several others – have confirmed that there is the definite possibility that passengers will be able to catch whatever someone in front of them in line was suffering from via the latex gloves TSA workers use.
Join tens of thousands of Americans in a petition demanding action against the intrusive airport screening procedures implemented by Janet Napolitano and send a letter to Congress, President Obama and others telling them exactly what you think about the issue.
"There is no doubt that bacteria (staph, strep, v.cholerae etc.) and viruses (noro, enteroviruses, herpes, hepatitis A and papilloma viruses) can be spread by contaminated vinyl or latex gloves," Dr. Thomas Warner of Wisconsin told WND in a letter to the editor.
"If a traveler has diarrhea and is soiled, as can and does happen, the causative agent can be spread by this method since bacteria and viruses in moist environments have greater viability
Get the rest of the story!!
Still sure you want to fly to see loved ones this holiday season?
9:09 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
Syphilis, lice, gonorrhea, ringworm, chlamydia, staph, strep, noro and papilloma viruses all are part of the possible fringe benefits when airline passengers next go through a full hands-on pat-down by agents of the federal government's Transportation Security Administration, according to doctors. WND reported two days ago on alarmed passengers who noted that TSA agents doing the pat-downs that have been described by critics as molestation since they include touching private body parts were not changing gloves between passengers. In fact, some apparently were patting down dozens of passengers or more wearing the same gloves.
But neither the TSA nor federal agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control was willing to comment on the possibilities that infections and other loathsome afflictions could be passed from passenger to passenger.
Now two doctors – and several others – have confirmed that there is the definite possibility that passengers will be able to catch whatever someone in front of them in line was suffering from via the latex gloves TSA workers use.
Join tens of thousands of Americans in a petition demanding action against the intrusive airport screening procedures implemented by Janet Napolitano and send a letter to Congress, President Obama and others telling them exactly what you think about the issue.
"There is no doubt that bacteria (staph, strep, v.cholerae etc.) and viruses (noro, enteroviruses, herpes, hepatitis A and papilloma viruses) can be spread by contaminated vinyl or latex gloves," Dr. Thomas Warner of Wisconsin told WND in a letter to the editor.
"If a traveler has diarrhea and is soiled, as can and does happen, the causative agent can be spread by this method since bacteria and viruses in moist environments have greater viability
Get the rest of the story!!
Still sure you want to fly to see loved ones this holiday season?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Are the Leaders of Homeland Security Perverts??
I am almost willing to bet that this T.S.A. airport security fiasco is nothing more than a joke being played off their first joke used to set it all up, the “underwear bomber” false flag operation. "Man Videotaped Underwear Bomber On Flight 253"
I believe all the folks who are in charge of Homeland "Security" are laughing their asses off. I would bet that Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, TSA Administrator John Pistole, Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano (She has gotta be a dike. She looks and talks like one) and the rest of the gang are perverts and are loving what they created. They are getting their jollies dreaming about what is happening to the flying public.
Now not only are airline passengers being humiliated (or are they? Some must get a thrill being felt all over by a strainger. They better leave the children out of it!!), but you know too that the people (Or are they? They too may be getting a thrill out of feeling people), IF they are normal people with morals, are also humiliated bey having to view and feel people over just to keep their jobs.
Think about it, MANY of the members of Homeland Security are Jewish mafia members!! See this video..
It’s ALL a joke on the flying public!! I bet you will find that I am right!
Put 2 & 2 together!! WAKE UP!!
Well, well..... check out this article from "Deviants, perverts and rapists are attracted to airport pat down jobs". This just came out AFTER I wrote the above!! Now if THAT is not confermation of my thoughts!!
Neocons Praise Naked Body Scanners Hey, there are perverts in ALL ranks and party lines.
I believe all the folks who are in charge of Homeland "Security" are laughing their asses off. I would bet that Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, TSA Administrator John Pistole, Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano (She has gotta be a dike. She looks and talks like one) and the rest of the gang are perverts and are loving what they created. They are getting their jollies dreaming about what is happening to the flying public.
Now not only are airline passengers being humiliated (or are they? Some must get a thrill being felt all over by a strainger. They better leave the children out of it!!), but you know too that the people (Or are they? They too may be getting a thrill out of feeling people), IF they are normal people with morals, are also humiliated bey having to view and feel people over just to keep their jobs.
Think about it, MANY of the members of Homeland Security are Jewish mafia members!! See this video..
It’s ALL a joke on the flying public!! I bet you will find that I am right!
Put 2 & 2 together!! WAKE UP!!
Well, well..... check out this article from "Deviants, perverts and rapists are attracted to airport pat down jobs". This just came out AFTER I wrote the above!! Now if THAT is not confermation of my thoughts!!
Neocons Praise Naked Body Scanners Hey, there are perverts in ALL ranks and party lines.
Big Sis Wants Behavior Scanners At Sports Events, Malls
Paul Joseph Watson
November 24, 2010
Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano admitted yesterday that body scanners would eventually find their way into U.S. public transportation, trains and boats, but Big Sis is already beta-testing technology that goes even further, by forcing Americans to undergo a behavioral interrogation before they are allowed to enter sports events, rock concerts and shopping malls.
“I think the tighter we get on aviation, we have to also be thinking now about going on to mass transit or to trains or maritime. So, what do we need to be doing to strengthen our protections there?” said Napolitano, indicating that naked body scanners and invasive pat downs will eventually become a necessity in order to merely catch the subway or ride a bus.
Indeed, mobile body scanners have already hit the streets, with “more than 500 backscatter x-ray scanners mounted in vans that can be driven past neighboring vehicles to see their contents” having been sold to government agencies,” reports Forbes.
American Science & Engineering, a company based in Billerica, Massachusetts, has sold many of the devices to U.S. law enforcement agencies, who are already using them on the streets for “security” purposes.
See the rest of this story here.....
November 24, 2010
Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano admitted yesterday that body scanners would eventually find their way into U.S. public transportation, trains and boats, but Big Sis is already beta-testing technology that goes even further, by forcing Americans to undergo a behavioral interrogation before they are allowed to enter sports events, rock concerts and shopping malls.
“I think the tighter we get on aviation, we have to also be thinking now about going on to mass transit or to trains or maritime. So, what do we need to be doing to strengthen our protections there?” said Napolitano, indicating that naked body scanners and invasive pat downs will eventually become a necessity in order to merely catch the subway or ride a bus.
Indeed, mobile body scanners have already hit the streets, with “more than 500 backscatter x-ray scanners mounted in vans that can be driven past neighboring vehicles to see their contents” having been sold to government agencies,” reports Forbes.
American Science & Engineering, a company based in Billerica, Massachusetts, has sold many of the devices to U.S. law enforcement agencies, who are already using them on the streets for “security” purposes.
See the rest of this story here.....
Sunday, November 21, 2010
TSA Tactics Find Ominous Parallel in Nazi Germany
Kurt Nimmo
November 21, 2010
The TSA is part of a larger effort to implement a slow motion surveillance and high-tech police state control grid in America. It is an element of the “alternative geography” of the military-corporate-intelligence establishment, an aspect specifically designed to acclimate Americans to the prospect of an ever encroaching police state. The tight integration of the corporate-government aspect of this alternative geography is demonstrated by the relationship the government has with the Chertoff Group, a public relations firm pushing naked body scanners founded by Michael Chertoff, the former boss of the Department of Homeland Security.
The new procedures defended over the weekend by Barry Obama from a NATO summit in Portugal are not about finding the next underwear bomber and protecting the American people from al-Qaeda. The latest procedures are designed to get the American people accustomed to the idea that the police, the alternative geography of the military-corporate-intelligence network, and the government will micro-manage and control the public and eventually all aspects of our private lives. Events reveal that the government is not interested in preventing an al-Qaeda attack, but keeping tabs on and when possible subverting opposition to its power.
Get the rest of the story and watch the disturbing videos also if you dare.
November 21, 2010
The TSA is part of a larger effort to implement a slow motion surveillance and high-tech police state control grid in America. It is an element of the “alternative geography” of the military-corporate-intelligence establishment, an aspect specifically designed to acclimate Americans to the prospect of an ever encroaching police state. The tight integration of the corporate-government aspect of this alternative geography is demonstrated by the relationship the government has with the Chertoff Group, a public relations firm pushing naked body scanners founded by Michael Chertoff, the former boss of the Department of Homeland Security.
The new procedures defended over the weekend by Barry Obama from a NATO summit in Portugal are not about finding the next underwear bomber and protecting the American people from al-Qaeda. The latest procedures are designed to get the American people accustomed to the idea that the police, the alternative geography of the military-corporate-intelligence network, and the government will micro-manage and control the public and eventually all aspects of our private lives. Events reveal that the government is not interested in preventing an al-Qaeda attack, but keeping tabs on and when possible subverting opposition to its power.
Get the rest of the story and watch the disturbing videos also if you dare.
Update on DREAM Act threat in Congress
Overnight, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced on his Twitter account that he will bring the DREAM Act to the floor during the lame-duck session of Congress. Reid remarked, “It's good for the economy & Pentagon says good for [national] security.” (Politico, Nov. 17, 2010) Almost simultaneously, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) introduced two new versions of the DREAM Act (S.3962, S.3963), and then, by invoking Rule 14—which allows leaders to skip the committee process—put them directly on the Senate floor calendar.
Sen. Reid’s actions come on the heels of Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) Chairwoman Rep. Nydia Velazquez’s (D-NY) announcement that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has tentatively set a vote on the DREAM Act for as soon as November 29th, and President Obama’s statement that he wants the DREAM Act passed during lame-duck as a “down payment” for further amnesty bills. (Capital Wire PR, Nov. 16, 2010; Politico, Nov. 17, 2010)
OFIR members and supporters:
The DREAM Act is a stealth amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, putting them ahead of honest immigrants who have applied legally and whose applications are now in process.
Under the DREAM Act illegal aliens would be able to receive in-state tuition at state universities. In Oregon that would amount to a $17,500 per year benefit that would be unavailable to American citizen students who may have graduated from high school in Idaho, Washington, or any other state. After four years the illegal alien would have received about $70,000 in tuition benefits.
Passage of the DREAM Act would make American citizens second class citizens while elevating illegal aliens into a special class.
Below is a list of Republican senators who have in the past voted in favor of an amnesty. They need to hear from citizens who are opposed to another amnesty. We encourage you to call them. See talking points at end of this list.
Sen. Murkowski of Alaska 202-224-6665
Sen. Lugar of Indiana 202-224-4814
Sen. Brownback of Kansas 202-224-6521
Sen. Voinovich of Ohio 202-224-3353
Sen. LeMeiux of Florida 202-224-3041
Sen. Collins of Maine 202-224-2523
Sen. Snowe of Maine 202-224-5344
Sen. Brown of Massachusetts 202-224-4543
Sen. Johanns of Nebraska 202-224-4224
Sen. Gregg of New Hampshire 202-224-3324
Sen. Hutchison of Texas 202-224-5922
Sen. McCain of Arizona 202-224-2235
The DREAM Act in the 111th Congress; The Nightmare Is in the Details
[Fact Sheet by NumbersUSA]
The DREAM Act has been reintroduced in both the House (H.R. 1751, by Rep. HowardBerman (D-CA)) and the Senate (S. 729, by Sen. Dick Durban (D-IL). Several cosponsors of the legislation have referred to the DREAM Act as a “narrow” proposal to deal only with the children brought here illegally by their illegal-alien parents. Unfortunately, the facts belie that claim. Here are the essentials of what the bills would do:
• They retroactively repeal the federal ban on in-state tuition for illegal aliens, so individual states would decide whether to grant this subsidy to illegal aliens at the expense of U.S. citizens and legal residents.
• They require DHS to award amnesty to every illegal alien claiming to meet minimal criteria: 1) present in the U.S. for the last five years; 2) a U.S. high school diploma or GED, or admitted to a U.S. institution of higher learning; and 3) of “good moral character” with no more than 2 misdemeanor convictions.
o The Senate version also requires that amnesty applicants be under 35 years of age and not be subject to a final order of removal or exclusion.
o Neither version requires specific documentation or other proof that amnesty applicants actually meet these minimal criteria.
• Once an alien files an amnesty application, he or she cannot be removed from the United States for any reason until the application is fully processed and a final decision to grant or deny amnesty has been made.
• All amnesty applications go to the front of the line for processing, thus bypassing millions of people around the world who have applied to come to the United States the right way.
• In order to deny any amnesty application, the federal government has the burden of proving an illegal alien’s ineligibility for amnesty.
• There are no numerical limits to the amnesty and there’s no end date for the application process.
• Amnestied aliens are required to complete two years of college or military service during their first six years of legal residence, but DHS can waive the requirement or grant additional time to comply for those who do not.
• At the end of the six years, amnestied aliens can apply for citizenship and petition to bring their extended relatives—including the parents who brought them here illegally—to the United States.
• Amnesty beneficiaries are eligible for certain federal student loans and work-study programs.
Oregonians for Immigration Reform, PO Box 1438, McMinnville OR 97128
Website: ; Email:
Keep OFIR emails coming. Please add to your address book.
Sen. Reid’s actions come on the heels of Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) Chairwoman Rep. Nydia Velazquez’s (D-NY) announcement that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has tentatively set a vote on the DREAM Act for as soon as November 29th, and President Obama’s statement that he wants the DREAM Act passed during lame-duck as a “down payment” for further amnesty bills. (Capital Wire PR, Nov. 16, 2010; Politico, Nov. 17, 2010)
OFIR members and supporters:
The DREAM Act is a stealth amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, putting them ahead of honest immigrants who have applied legally and whose applications are now in process.
Under the DREAM Act illegal aliens would be able to receive in-state tuition at state universities. In Oregon that would amount to a $17,500 per year benefit that would be unavailable to American citizen students who may have graduated from high school in Idaho, Washington, or any other state. After four years the illegal alien would have received about $70,000 in tuition benefits.
Passage of the DREAM Act would make American citizens second class citizens while elevating illegal aliens into a special class.
Below is a list of Republican senators who have in the past voted in favor of an amnesty. They need to hear from citizens who are opposed to another amnesty. We encourage you to call them. See talking points at end of this list.
Sen. Murkowski of Alaska 202-224-6665
Sen. Lugar of Indiana 202-224-4814
Sen. Brownback of Kansas 202-224-6521
Sen. Voinovich of Ohio 202-224-3353
Sen. LeMeiux of Florida 202-224-3041
Sen. Collins of Maine 202-224-2523
Sen. Snowe of Maine 202-224-5344
Sen. Brown of Massachusetts 202-224-4543
Sen. Johanns of Nebraska 202-224-4224
Sen. Gregg of New Hampshire 202-224-3324
Sen. Hutchison of Texas 202-224-5922
Sen. McCain of Arizona 202-224-2235
The DREAM Act in the 111th Congress; The Nightmare Is in the Details
[Fact Sheet by NumbersUSA]
The DREAM Act has been reintroduced in both the House (H.R. 1751, by Rep. HowardBerman (D-CA)) and the Senate (S. 729, by Sen. Dick Durban (D-IL). Several cosponsors of the legislation have referred to the DREAM Act as a “narrow” proposal to deal only with the children brought here illegally by their illegal-alien parents. Unfortunately, the facts belie that claim. Here are the essentials of what the bills would do:
• They retroactively repeal the federal ban on in-state tuition for illegal aliens, so individual states would decide whether to grant this subsidy to illegal aliens at the expense of U.S. citizens and legal residents.
• They require DHS to award amnesty to every illegal alien claiming to meet minimal criteria: 1) present in the U.S. for the last five years; 2) a U.S. high school diploma or GED, or admitted to a U.S. institution of higher learning; and 3) of “good moral character” with no more than 2 misdemeanor convictions.
o The Senate version also requires that amnesty applicants be under 35 years of age and not be subject to a final order of removal or exclusion.
o Neither version requires specific documentation or other proof that amnesty applicants actually meet these minimal criteria.
• Once an alien files an amnesty application, he or she cannot be removed from the United States for any reason until the application is fully processed and a final decision to grant or deny amnesty has been made.
• All amnesty applications go to the front of the line for processing, thus bypassing millions of people around the world who have applied to come to the United States the right way.
• In order to deny any amnesty application, the federal government has the burden of proving an illegal alien’s ineligibility for amnesty.
• There are no numerical limits to the amnesty and there’s no end date for the application process.
• Amnestied aliens are required to complete two years of college or military service during their first six years of legal residence, but DHS can waive the requirement or grant additional time to comply for those who do not.
• At the end of the six years, amnestied aliens can apply for citizenship and petition to bring their extended relatives—including the parents who brought them here illegally—to the United States.
• Amnesty beneficiaries are eligible for certain federal student loans and work-study programs.
Oregonians for Immigration Reform, PO Box 1438, McMinnville OR 97128
Website: ; Email:
Keep OFIR emails coming. Please add to your address book.
WE are Still Screwed!!
WE are STILL screwed!!
It does not matter whether our country is run by "demwits" or "repubs"!!
Each one wants things that goes against our Constitution and morals. The demwits want to spend all the money STOLLEN from us via “federal income taxes” which is in NO WAY Constitutional, to give money as in welfare, food stamps to individuals who are perfectly healthy, & capable of working for whatever they need.
The "repubs" are hell bent on top of what the demwits want, but up the ante by supporting non Constitutional wars that kill and maim thousands of our young men and women. This also runs up BIG tabs for the price of manufacturing of weapons, armaments, and ammunitions. Yes that does provide jobs for a relative few thousand people, but these people could be making other things that would be more useful to our nation.
Neither party is willing to do things like repeal NAFTA, fine manufactures that move their operations to countries with paltry wages, and charge stiff tariffs on goods coming into our country to keep prices on manufactured goods at fair prices to the paying public. This idea WILL bring manufacturing BACK to our nation where people will have jobs with FAIR wages. Wages that will allow at least 90% of our population to be able to afford goods created and manufactured here in OUR nation, the United States of America!!
It does not matter whether our country is run by "demwits" or "repubs"!!
Each one wants things that goes against our Constitution and morals. The demwits want to spend all the money STOLLEN from us via “federal income taxes” which is in NO WAY Constitutional, to give money as in welfare, food stamps to individuals who are perfectly healthy, & capable of working for whatever they need.
The "repubs" are hell bent on top of what the demwits want, but up the ante by supporting non Constitutional wars that kill and maim thousands of our young men and women. This also runs up BIG tabs for the price of manufacturing of weapons, armaments, and ammunitions. Yes that does provide jobs for a relative few thousand people, but these people could be making other things that would be more useful to our nation.
Neither party is willing to do things like repeal NAFTA, fine manufactures that move their operations to countries with paltry wages, and charge stiff tariffs on goods coming into our country to keep prices on manufactured goods at fair prices to the paying public. This idea WILL bring manufacturing BACK to our nation where people will have jobs with FAIR wages. Wages that will allow at least 90% of our population to be able to afford goods created and manufactured here in OUR nation, the United States of America!!
Hell is for Children!!
Keith Johnson
Revolt of the Plebs
November 19, 2010
Somewhere in America, a seventeen-year-old boy is living the last year of his life.
He is in the first semester of his senior year. His grades have been good, and he expects to have enough credits to finish school early. He feels like he’s been in school his entire life. But he has no regrets. Along the way, he has made many friends. He took up an interest in baseball and found that he had a talent for playing the drums. He is in his prime. He’s lean, fit and healthy. His mind is sharp and he has an insatiable appetite for life.
He has also fallen in love—for the first time. She is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. He thinks about her all the time, and pines when she is not near. When they are together, they share wild fantasies about how they’d like to start a family and go into business for themselves selling sporting goods. He also wants to start a band—just for fun—and perform on the weekends at local venues.
Today, an Army recruitment officer gave an inspirational speech at his high school. The guy looked sharp in his clean, well-pressed uniform. He had a shaved head and two full sleeves of colorful tattoos on his bulging, tanned biceps and forearms. The boy had never considered a career in the military, but he did find a certain romance in it. Apparently, so did his girlfriend. As they left the gymnasium, she made a comment that unnerved him.
GIRL: He was kind of cute.
BOY: What?
GIRL: Well, there’s something about a man in uniform.
BOY: Really?
GIRL: Yeah…don’t get mad.
It was the first time he felt angry with her, and the first time they’d ever crossed words. He was overcome with feelings of jealousy, which caused him to say a few things he would later regret.
Care to read the rest to find out what happened to this young man??? Go here.....
Revolt of the Plebs
November 19, 2010
Somewhere in America, a seventeen-year-old boy is living the last year of his life.
He is in the first semester of his senior year. His grades have been good, and he expects to have enough credits to finish school early. He feels like he’s been in school his entire life. But he has no regrets. Along the way, he has made many friends. He took up an interest in baseball and found that he had a talent for playing the drums. He is in his prime. He’s lean, fit and healthy. His mind is sharp and he has an insatiable appetite for life.
He has also fallen in love—for the first time. She is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. He thinks about her all the time, and pines when she is not near. When they are together, they share wild fantasies about how they’d like to start a family and go into business for themselves selling sporting goods. He also wants to start a band—just for fun—and perform on the weekends at local venues.
Today, an Army recruitment officer gave an inspirational speech at his high school. The guy looked sharp in his clean, well-pressed uniform. He had a shaved head and two full sleeves of colorful tattoos on his bulging, tanned biceps and forearms. The boy had never considered a career in the military, but he did find a certain romance in it. Apparently, so did his girlfriend. As they left the gymnasium, she made a comment that unnerved him.
GIRL: He was kind of cute.
BOY: What?
GIRL: Well, there’s something about a man in uniform.
BOY: Really?
GIRL: Yeah…don’t get mad.
It was the first time he felt angry with her, and the first time they’d ever crossed words. He was overcome with feelings of jealousy, which caused him to say a few things he would later regret.
Care to read the rest to find out what happened to this young man??? Go here.....
Saturday, November 20, 2010
"TSA Warns Travelers May Be Arrested, Detained, and Fined for Refusing Search"
Kurt Nimmo
November 20, 2010
In response to growing outrage over naked body scanners and intrusive pat down searches of the private parts of air travelers, the TSA is warning Americans that they may be arrested and fined $11,000 if they refuse to cooperate with the agency’s invasive and humiliating techniques.
The TSA warns that any “would-be commercial airline passenger” who enters an airport checkpoint and refuses to be subjected to “the method of inspection designated by the TSA will not be allowed to fly and also will not be
permitted to simply leave the airport” (emphasis added).
The TSA will work with local police in order to make sure the person remains on the premises and answers questions. “Anyone refusing faces fines up to $11,000 and possible arrest,” reports the Palm Beach Post.
“Once a person submits to the screening process, they can not just decide to leave that process,” Sari Koshetz, regional TSA spokesperson, told the Florida newspaper. The policy includes people who decide not to fly.
Go here for the rest...
November 20, 2010
In response to growing outrage over naked body scanners and intrusive pat down searches of the private parts of air travelers, the TSA is warning Americans that they may be arrested and fined $11,000 if they refuse to cooperate with the agency’s invasive and humiliating techniques.
The TSA warns that any “would-be commercial airline passenger” who enters an airport checkpoint and refuses to be subjected to “the method of inspection designated by the TSA will not be allowed to fly and also will not be
permitted to simply leave the airport” (emphasis added).
The TSA will work with local police in order to make sure the person remains on the premises and answers questions. “Anyone refusing faces fines up to $11,000 and possible arrest,” reports the Palm Beach Post.
“Once a person submits to the screening process, they can not just decide to leave that process,” Sari Koshetz, regional TSA spokesperson, told the Florida newspaper. The policy includes people who decide not to fly.
Go here for the rest...
Busch: China Is the Future of the US
By: Andrew B. Busch
CNBC Contributor
DiggBuzz FacebookTwitter More Share
After the less than satisfying G20 meetings, the latest newsflow out of China is centered on what to do about inflation and how to counteract QE2. To wit:
People’s Bank of China’s Prof Wang said, “The growth of prices has accelerated since September mainly because of intensive hot money inflows because of yuan appreciation and new quantitative easing measures by the U.S....It's an urgent job for the central bank to tighten up liquidity and it needs new policy tools to do so." Shanghai Securities News.
China Investment Corporation’s Hong Kong chairman Lawrence Lau said China should stop purchasing US Treasuries but should continue to buy US dollar assets and warned of the impact of a simultaneous sell-down of Treasuries by holders such as China, Hong Kong, Japan and Korea.
PBOC adviser Zhou Qiren and member of Monetary Policy committee said that China should solve its domestic inflation problem by allowing the yuan to appreciate more to encourage Chinese people to spend abroad. He noted a perception among Chinese that the yuan is still too cheap.
Go here for the rest.....
CNBC Contributor
DiggBuzz FacebookTwitter More Share
After the less than satisfying G20 meetings, the latest newsflow out of China is centered on what to do about inflation and how to counteract QE2. To wit:
People’s Bank of China’s Prof Wang said, “The growth of prices has accelerated since September mainly because of intensive hot money inflows because of yuan appreciation and new quantitative easing measures by the U.S....It's an urgent job for the central bank to tighten up liquidity and it needs new policy tools to do so." Shanghai Securities News.
China Investment Corporation’s Hong Kong chairman Lawrence Lau said China should stop purchasing US Treasuries but should continue to buy US dollar assets and warned of the impact of a simultaneous sell-down of Treasuries by holders such as China, Hong Kong, Japan and Korea.
PBOC adviser Zhou Qiren and member of Monetary Policy committee said that China should solve its domestic inflation problem by allowing the yuan to appreciate more to encourage Chinese people to spend abroad. He noted a perception among Chinese that the yuan is still too cheap.
Go here for the rest.....
The more reason not to fly this holiday season, or until they stop the perverted pat downs and/or the naked scans.
I would almost want to think that those who do NOT mind this are really perverts!! They get a thrill out of others feeling them all over or others seeing them naked, possibly because they get no attention any other way, or from anyone else. Poor souls.
I’ll drive or just stay home and use FaceBook, MySpace, or Twitter to see and speak with family and friends. It’s safer that way. The only thing I would have to worry about then is someone hacking into my accounts and spy on who I am corresponding with. THAT, I could care less if they did. They just may learn a thing or two.
I would almost want to think that those who do NOT mind this are really perverts!! They get a thrill out of others feeling them all over or others seeing them naked, possibly because they get no attention any other way, or from anyone else. Poor souls.
I’ll drive or just stay home and use FaceBook, MySpace, or Twitter to see and speak with family and friends. It’s safer that way. The only thing I would have to worry about then is someone hacking into my accounts and spy on who I am corresponding with. THAT, I could care less if they did. They just may learn a thing or two.
"Do you know that the Federal Reserve is the main reason why we are in this mess?"
David DeGraw
November 19, 2010
This is just a quick note that I need to write to keep my head from exploding. I’m not going to name names, but you know who you are.
Watching Progressives defend the Federal Reserve is one of the most horrifying developments I have seen, and we all know how horrifying things currently are. Just because some Republicans have come out against the Fed’s QE2 policy, doesn’t mean that you should think the policy is a good thing.
Don’t be such a reactionary partisan hack!
Do you know anything about economic policy? Do you know that we live in a global economy? Do you have ANY understanding of our current economic crisis?
Do you know that the Federal Reserve is the main reason why we are in this mess?
Read the whole story here.....
November 19, 2010
This is just a quick note that I need to write to keep my head from exploding. I’m not going to name names, but you know who you are.
Watching Progressives defend the Federal Reserve is one of the most horrifying developments I have seen, and we all know how horrifying things currently are. Just because some Republicans have come out against the Fed’s QE2 policy, doesn’t mean that you should think the policy is a good thing.
Don’t be such a reactionary partisan hack!
Do you know anything about economic policy? Do you know that we live in a global economy? Do you have ANY understanding of our current economic crisis?
Do you know that the Federal Reserve is the main reason why we are in this mess?
Read the whole story here.....
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
"Educated families increasingly refusing vaccinations"
Ethan A. Huff
Natural News
November 15, 2010
Educated Americans with private insurance plans are becoming increasingly less prone to vaccinate their children, according to this year’s annual State of Health Care Quality report released by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). The report states that there was a four percentage point drop in vaccination rates among middle- and upper-class families between 2008 and 2009.
“This was the first time we’d seen a drop — and it was a pretty big drop,” Sarah Thomas, vice president of public policy and communication at NCQA, is quoted as saying to HealthDay. “We didn’t really explore the reasons [for the trend], but one leading hypothesis is that parents have decided not to get their children vaccinated because of concerns about the potential for side effects and even autism.”
Meanwhile, vaccination rates among poorer individuals on government welfare programs like Medicaid have been on the rise. Programs like “Vaccines for Children” (VFC) that provide free (taxpayer-funded) vaccines to doctors who serve eligible children are among those that have spurred the increase within this socioeconomic group.
Get the rest of the story here....
Want YOU become educated also??
Natural News
November 15, 2010
Educated Americans with private insurance plans are becoming increasingly less prone to vaccinate their children, according to this year’s annual State of Health Care Quality report released by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). The report states that there was a four percentage point drop in vaccination rates among middle- and upper-class families between 2008 and 2009.
“This was the first time we’d seen a drop — and it was a pretty big drop,” Sarah Thomas, vice president of public policy and communication at NCQA, is quoted as saying to HealthDay. “We didn’t really explore the reasons [for the trend], but one leading hypothesis is that parents have decided not to get their children vaccinated because of concerns about the potential for side effects and even autism.”
Meanwhile, vaccination rates among poorer individuals on government welfare programs like Medicaid have been on the rise. Programs like “Vaccines for Children” (VFC) that provide free (taxpayer-funded) vaccines to doctors who serve eligible children are among those that have spurred the increase within this socioeconomic group.
Get the rest of the story here....
Want YOU become educated also??
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Are you exposing your children to pedophiles? You could be if they fly with you!!
I would or could almost have you arrested for child abuse because you are allowing peeping eyes see your children naked!! I would LOVE TO have you arrested for child abuse.
You need to get educated about what is going on behind the screens that are seeing you and your children naked at airports all over the country!!
Read and see all the articles you are Not being told about these nasty machines and the people who MAY (Not all I hope) be operating these machines!!
TSA Gropes 8-Year Old Boy, In Front Of Outraged Mother

Again..... is it REALLY worth it to fly to Aunt Betsy for Thanks Giving or the holidays?? To Disney World for a winter vacation?? Think about it!! Are you that much of a pervert??
Good news folks!! There may be some salvation after all! check this out... Colorado Man Says Underwear Invention Protects Privacy at Airport
You need to get educated about what is going on behind the screens that are seeing you and your children naked at airports all over the country!!
Read and see all the articles you are Not being told about these nasty machines and the people who MAY (Not all I hope) be operating these machines!!
TSA Gropes 8-Year Old Boy, In Front Of Outraged Mother
- TSA looking for poop bombs?
- TSA: An Army of Pervs and Criminals
- TSA Lies Again Over Capture, Storage Of Body Scanner Images
- Sanitary Towel Prompts TSA To Grope Sexual Assault Victim
- TSA Gropes 8-Year Old Boy, In Front Of Outraged Mother
- Deviants, perverts and rapists are attracted to airport pat down jobs.
- Deadlier Than Scanners: TSA To Spread Flesh-Eating Bacteria
- TSA Searches: Are Trains and Subways Next?
- TSA Tactics Find Ominous Parallel in Nazi Germany
- "TSA Warns Travelers May Be Arrested, Detained, and Fined for Refusing Search"
- "....TSA goons pulled down woman’s blouse, exposing her breasts, and laughed about it.
- TSA Now Putting Hands Down Fliers’ Pants
- Homeland Security Trying To Shut Down Air Travel?
- TSA Encounter at San Diego International Airport One man's experience on November 13, 2010 with those freindly folks from the T.S.A.
- TSA Targets Tyner In Effort To Chill Nationwide Backlash ".....there is no real choice at airports, that you will either be fired with radiation and have officials see your naked body or you will be sexually molested by minimum wage thugs."
- TSA security officers flunk physics
- DHS chief tells pilot, tourism reps scans and patdowns will continue Folks I do not understand why you want to subject yourselves to this!! You are sick!!
- TSA Cuffs Radio Host to Chair
- TSA Gives Rapists And Illegals The Green Light While Groping Children
- TSA Desktop Image Makes Joke of Cavity Searching Children
- Flight Attendants Outraged Over Intrusive Patdowns
- TSA: No Fondling, Groping Or Squeezing Is Taking Place At Airports
- TSA Forces Mother in Wheelchair to Tears with “Enhanced Patdown”
- An Open Letter to the Walt Disney Company (Warning: Adult eyes only!)
- Flashback: TSA Goon Molests 3 Year Old The video offered here enraged me that this little girl had to go through this, but even worse.... her parents allowed this to happen, and they did not SEEM to think there was any big deal with is all. These parents need to be arrested and placed in parenting training and their child in protective custody!!

- New Body Scanners to Store Biometrics
- Does TSA Behavior Fall under Definition of Terrorism?
- TSA Caves On Molesting Pilots
- Poll Shows Overwhelming Opposition to Naked Body Scanners, Patdowns
Big Sis Caught Lying To American People Doesn't she just look devine in this photo?
Visit for more and to learn why you are REALLY having to go through this process to fly the "friendly" skies.
You have GOT to be kidding me!!
Good news folks!! There may be some salvation after all! check this out... Colorado Man Says Underwear Invention Protects Privacy at Airport
Saturday, November 6, 2010
4 Reasons Why a Conspiracy Theorist Might Believe a Devastating Event is Imminent
Nicholas West
Activist Post
November 5, 2010
Is a major earth-shattering event about to happen in America which could trigger global chaos?
Based on heavy speculation, and some startling facts, there seem to be some indicators that suggest something big may be about to occur.
Fed stimulus, Part 2. Yesterday we had the announcement of more Federal Reserve stimulus, known as “quantitative easing,” which dumped another exorbitant amount of money on an already saturated system. Nearly all independent experts agree that this is the death knell of the dollar. The National Inflation Association just released a statement that this move will trigger inflation and starve the middle class. The rest of the world is still weighing in on the global ramifications of such a move to the world’s reserve currency. Brazil said that the U.S. fired the gun in the currency war and they are ready to retaliate; China is prepared to set up a firewall against the latest Fed move; and Germany warned of growing protectionism around the globe stemming from the latest U.S. manipulation. Some are now predicting that a bank holiday is imminent, with a likely date set for November 11. Is QE2 the final tipping point toward financial disaster? Or will it weaken resistance against another imminent disaster?
See the whole story here...
I really do get paid to shop!! See Big Crumbs below...
Activist Post
November 5, 2010
Is a major earth-shattering event about to happen in America which could trigger global chaos?
Based on heavy speculation, and some startling facts, there seem to be some indicators that suggest something big may be about to occur.
Fed stimulus, Part 2. Yesterday we had the announcement of more Federal Reserve stimulus, known as “quantitative easing,” which dumped another exorbitant amount of money on an already saturated system. Nearly all independent experts agree that this is the death knell of the dollar. The National Inflation Association just released a statement that this move will trigger inflation and starve the middle class. The rest of the world is still weighing in on the global ramifications of such a move to the world’s reserve currency. Brazil said that the U.S. fired the gun in the currency war and they are ready to retaliate; China is prepared to set up a firewall against the latest Fed move; and Germany warned of growing protectionism around the globe stemming from the latest U.S. manipulation. Some are now predicting that a bank holiday is imminent, with a likely date set for November 11. Is QE2 the final tipping point toward financial disaster? Or will it weaken resistance against another imminent disaster?
- Obama and warships to India. Much is being made out of the massive amount of armaments that Obama is taking with him on his trip to India: 34 warships, an aircraft carrier, and enough troops and security to be an invasion force. As Indian press has stated, the very heart of The White House is moving to India. Not much has been said, however, of the speculation that 200 corporate CEOs will be along for the ride. Add this to an apparently last-minute decision to bring his family — all for an economic summit — and one might wonder what is being expected. As Steve Quayle asks, “When in U.S. History has a sitting President taken off on an overseas trip for an extended period of time, with 65 airplanes, 34 warships reportedly 3,000 people including his friends and cohorts, at the pinnacle of an economic and political upheaval?”
- November 6th false flag nuke. Forums are busy discussing hidden messages within The Simpsons contained in a recently posted video (see below) that offers a warning. There was indeed a strange previous connection to 9/11 which appeared on a 1997 episode of the same show. Curious parallels exist between the plot lines of these two shows that seem peculiarly focused on specific dates and numerological imagery. Could there be indications in this cartoon of 9/11/01 foreknowledge and a coming event on 11/6/10? Invert the two dates, watch the video, and decide for yourself if this episode titled, “To Surveil With Love” is an indicator of a false flag event and the full implementation of a surveillance police state to follow.
- The Web Bot Project. Half Past Human has released their latest “Tipping Point” graphs. The period of time we are entering indicates “tension language” building around a major event in the coming week could set off 2 months of severe disruption. This event is projected to be far larger in scope than 9/11 and all other terror events combined.
See the whole story here...
I really do get paid to shop!! See Big Crumbs below...
New Republican House Promises Investigation Of Global Warming Fraud
Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, November 4, 2010
One of the first tasks of the new Republican-controlled House of Congress will be to launch a full investigation into the man-made global warming fraud, as the climate change con that threatens to tax and regulate the American middle class out of existence is exposed to what could prove terminal scrutiny.
“The GOP plans to hold high profile hearings examining the alleged “scientific fraud” behind global warming, a sleeper issue in this election that motivated the base quite a bit,” writes the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder.
I DO get paid to shop. Sign up for free at Big Crumb below..

As Politico’s Darren Samuelsohn and Robin Bravender reported yesterday, Barack Obama can count of substantially less allies in his effort to push through his cap and tax agenda, because over two dozen of them were defeated in the mid-term elections, being replaced by Republicans who on the whole are increasingly skeptical towards man-made climate change.
“Come January, Obama will be working with a Congress that will have little appetite for the types of sweeping energy reform he sought over the last two years. With the House in Republican hands, some of the climate issue’s most vocal advocates have been dislodged from their powerful perches, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman,” states the article.
Any proper investigation into global warming is likely to turn up a plethora of evidence of fraud and scientific manipulation.
Read the rest here...
Thursday, November 4, 2010
One of the first tasks of the new Republican-controlled House of Congress will be to launch a full investigation into the man-made global warming fraud, as the climate change con that threatens to tax and regulate the American middle class out of existence is exposed to what could prove terminal scrutiny.
“The GOP plans to hold high profile hearings examining the alleged “scientific fraud” behind global warming, a sleeper issue in this election that motivated the base quite a bit,” writes the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder.
I DO get paid to shop. Sign up for free at Big Crumb below..
As Politico’s Darren Samuelsohn and Robin Bravender reported yesterday, Barack Obama can count of substantially less allies in his effort to push through his cap and tax agenda, because over two dozen of them were defeated in the mid-term elections, being replaced by Republicans who on the whole are increasingly skeptical towards man-made climate change.
“Come January, Obama will be working with a Congress that will have little appetite for the types of sweeping energy reform he sought over the last two years. With the House in Republican hands, some of the climate issue’s most vocal advocates have been dislodged from their powerful perches, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman,” states the article.
Any proper investigation into global warming is likely to turn up a plethora of evidence of fraud and scientific manipulation.
Read the rest here...
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Voting Is Even More Worthless Than You Think
Paul Bonneau
Strike the Root
November 1, 2010
I wonder how many of our readers ever participated in an election, in which their vote was the decisive one? The chances are pretty small, mathematically. But they are actually even smaller than the math predicts!
Let’s imagine a race between Statist Candidate A and Statist Candidate B, and in the vote count, they differ by only one vote. And say that vote was your vote. Now, does it really matter which candidate you had gifted with your vote?
Of course not. No matter what, the state wins and you lose. The only way you can get any benefit out of this race is by withholding your vote.
Since virtually all races for some position in government are between two statist or easily-corruptible candidates, and since you get no benefit from voting in such a race, we can eliminate from consideration almost all of these races. So, it becomes even more improbable than you thought, that your vote could “make a difference.”
But it gets even worse. Let’s consider only the remaining races, which are things like ballot measures and tax levies. For a tax levy, one can at least reliably identify the less statist position, that of cutting taxes or preventing their increase. Can your vote make a difference there?
Imagine there is such a levy, and it has been passed by one vote, and if you had voted, it would have failed. Should you be kicking yourself that you didn’t vote?
On first glance, it would appear so. But let’s investigate this notion more closely.
The failure of a tax levy amounts to a huge financial loss, typically amounting to millions of dollars, to the favored constituency or class of cronies (“diffuse costs, concentrated benefits”). Do you really think they are going to let a single vote stand in their way?
All such groups have slush funds or other ways to apply pressure to the people counting the votes. And guess who counts the votes? Either government employees (the cronies’ allies), or people who believe in government, that’s who! And guess what, government employees are not saints. On the contrary, they are less moral as a class than most of us. Their very paycheck depends on government violence and aggression, and they are just fine with that! Their job involves bullying others, usually. Have you ever met a government employee who felt guilty about how he made a living?
Read the rest....
Strike the Root
November 1, 2010
I wonder how many of our readers ever participated in an election, in which their vote was the decisive one? The chances are pretty small, mathematically. But they are actually even smaller than the math predicts!
Let’s imagine a race between Statist Candidate A and Statist Candidate B, and in the vote count, they differ by only one vote. And say that vote was your vote. Now, does it really matter which candidate you had gifted with your vote?
Of course not. No matter what, the state wins and you lose. The only way you can get any benefit out of this race is by withholding your vote.
Since virtually all races for some position in government are between two statist or easily-corruptible candidates, and since you get no benefit from voting in such a race, we can eliminate from consideration almost all of these races. So, it becomes even more improbable than you thought, that your vote could “make a difference.”
But it gets even worse. Let’s consider only the remaining races, which are things like ballot measures and tax levies. For a tax levy, one can at least reliably identify the less statist position, that of cutting taxes or preventing their increase. Can your vote make a difference there?
Imagine there is such a levy, and it has been passed by one vote, and if you had voted, it would have failed. Should you be kicking yourself that you didn’t vote?
On first glance, it would appear so. But let’s investigate this notion more closely.
The failure of a tax levy amounts to a huge financial loss, typically amounting to millions of dollars, to the favored constituency or class of cronies (“diffuse costs, concentrated benefits”). Do you really think they are going to let a single vote stand in their way?
All such groups have slush funds or other ways to apply pressure to the people counting the votes. And guess who counts the votes? Either government employees (the cronies’ allies), or people who believe in government, that’s who! And guess what, government employees are not saints. On the contrary, they are less moral as a class than most of us. Their very paycheck depends on government violence and aggression, and they are just fine with that! Their job involves bullying others, usually. Have you ever met a government employee who felt guilty about how he made a living?
Read the rest....
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