Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Americans Trample One Another To Get Their Hands On Cheap Foreign-Made Plastic Crap

 As this latest Black Friday clearly demonstrated, Americans are literally willing to trample one another to get the best deals on cheap foreign-made plastic crap. Meanwhile, as thousands of factories and millions of jobs continue to get shipped overseas, the United States is rapidly turning into a post-industrial wasteland. Once great manufacturing cities such as Camden, New Jersey have become crime-ridden, gang-infested hellholes. In some U.S. cities, the "real" unemployment rate is around 30 or 40 percent. The American people desperately need jobs, but the American people are also showing no signs that they plan to give up their addiction to cheap foreign goods. Our politicians keep insisting that the American people just need "more education" and "more skills" in order to compete, but they don't ever seem to explain how more education and more skills are going to make new jobs pop into existence out of thin air. The truth is that the American Dream is rapidly becoming the American Nightmare and there is not much hope that any of this is going to turn around any time soon.

300x250 The video posted below is a compilation of video footage from this past Black Friday. It is absolutely shocking to see what average Americans will do to each other just to save a little bit of money on cheap foreign-made goods....

Go here to see the video and the rest... http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/americans-are-willing-to-trample-one-another-to-get-their-hands-on-cheap-foreign-made-plastic-crap-even-as-the-united-states-turns-into-a-post-industrial-wasteland

To make matter worse... do you know that there are U.S. companies that are selling Chinese made products as made in U.S.A?? There are!! There is a company in Clayton DE called Eagle Group is doing that. ONE product of interest they sell is hand sinks. They may add certain items to the product like side splash guards or pedestals, but the main product including all the hardware sold with them are made in China and then boxed in boxes that say “MADE IN U.S.A.”.

HOW can you tell if you purchased one of these for one thing, the bowls are made of cheap looking metal and is in fact 400 series stainless steel NOT good 300 series! How can you tell? If you take a magnet to the surface and it attracts, it is 400 series. If it were 300 series it would NOT!
If you can look on the back side of the sink/bowl, you will notice BRUSHED on silver paint to hide welds. You will also notice ROUND “QC” inspection stickers. ALL Chinese methods.

If you suspect that you have one of these items, please return it to your dealer, or take what ever action you feel appropriate.
Bottom line is you should at the LEAST request ask for a lower price as I would bet that Eagle Group is paying pennies on the dollar for these pieces of crap made in China!!
If you own wire shelves from Eagle Group take a look at the posts that come with them. If the posts just look just too pretty and shiny and the numbers are PAINTED on and NOT stamped, they are made in CHINA!
Be wary of Eagle Group products!! Make sure you are not being ripped off!! Buy REAL American products when you purchase.
Eagle Group has accelerated the purchasing of products made in China. Make sure you are not being stiffed, and hurting fellow American jobs!!

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