Steve Watson
December 30, 2010
A woman who hit headlines earlier this month for protesting the invasive new TSA airport security theatre by donning just a bra and panties has been targeted and prevented from flying by TSA officials who cited an “unusual contour” around her buttocks.
Wheelchair user Tammy Banovac was once again groped by TSA agents at Oklahoma City’s Will Rogers World Airport, where on November 30 she stripped to her underwear to protest what she described as persistent violation, involving the touching of her genitals at the hands of the TSA.
“If it happened anywhere else, it would have been sexual assault,” Ms Banovac has said, noting that she is hand searched every time she flies because of her disability.
Ms. Banovac’s protest led to an hour long interrogation at the hands of the TSA before she was denied access to her flight by officials who claimed they found traces of nitrates, which can be used in explosives, on her wheelchair
A video of the protest quickly became a viral Youtube sensation:
Get the rest of the story here...
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Napolitano Announces Expansion of Gestapo Zones from Airports to Malls and Hotels
Kurt Nimmo
December 27, 2010
"As we predicted, Homeland Security and national security state officialdom are in the process of expanding the police state and citizen humiliation grid from airports to hotels and shopping malls.
“The United States is stepping up security at ‘soft targets’ like hotels and shopping malls, as well as trains and ports, as it counters the evolving Al-Qaeda threat, a top official said Sunday,” reports AFP.
“We look at so-called soft targets — the hotels, shopping malls, for example — all of which we have reached out to in the past year and have done a fair amount of training for their own employees,” DHS boss Janet Napolitano said.
Big Sis Napolitano knows the government’s “See Something, Say Something” program to acclimate citizens to a police and surveillance state designed to rival anything established by East Germany’s Stasi is more Big Brotherism.
“It just sounds very Big Brother to me, turning in the next door neighbor.” CNN’s Candy Crowley said to Napolitano during an interview on “State of the Union.”
“It’s not,” Napolitano argued. “It depends on the common sense of the American people. I think they have common sense. And it depends on, again … getting through this notion that our safety, our security and the world we live in today is a shared responsibility.”
For bureaucrat Napolitano, the “common sense” of the American people means they will remain timid and apathetic. It means they will not protest and will tolerate going through porno-scanners and having goons stick their hands down their pants before they are allowed to shop at the local mall.
Get the rest of the story here..
December 27, 2010
"As we predicted, Homeland Security and national security state officialdom are in the process of expanding the police state and citizen humiliation grid from airports to hotels and shopping malls.
“The United States is stepping up security at ‘soft targets’ like hotels and shopping malls, as well as trains and ports, as it counters the evolving Al-Qaeda threat, a top official said Sunday,” reports AFP.
“We look at so-called soft targets — the hotels, shopping malls, for example — all of which we have reached out to in the past year and have done a fair amount of training for their own employees,” DHS boss Janet Napolitano said.
Big Sis Napolitano knows the government’s “See Something, Say Something” program to acclimate citizens to a police and surveillance state designed to rival anything established by East Germany’s Stasi is more Big Brotherism.
“It just sounds very Big Brother to me, turning in the next door neighbor.” CNN’s Candy Crowley said to Napolitano during an interview on “State of the Union.”
“It’s not,” Napolitano argued. “It depends on the common sense of the American people. I think they have common sense. And it depends on, again … getting through this notion that our safety, our security and the world we live in today is a shared responsibility.”
For bureaucrat Napolitano, the “common sense” of the American people means they will remain timid and apathetic. It means they will not protest and will tolerate going through porno-scanners and having goons stick their hands down their pants before they are allowed to shop at the local mall.
Get the rest of the story here..
Sunday, December 26, 2010
One year later: Who was the sharp-dressed man who helped Abdulmutallab board?
Aaron Dykes
December 25, 2010
One year after the “failed” Christmas Day bombing attempt by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, we are more vulnerable than ever. Not from foreign ‘jihadist’ terrorists, or unscanned Thermos containers, but from our own government. If would-be terrorists like Abdulmutallab are our enemy, why have Homeland Security resources been used to threaten and intimidate The People instead of following up on how Abdulmutallab got as far as he did?
What is the real threat we are fighting?
Little did anyone notice, the TSA had already been phasing in body scanners at major airports prior to December 25, 2009 with plans to mainstream them. Before last Christmas, airports like the one I traveled through in Phoenix in October 2009 displayed signs foretelling their imminent arrival. “Why do I have to take off my shoes?” a sign teased, before explaining the need to detect potential explosives. The sign then explained that full-body scanners could soon do away with the need to take off shoes, as the whole body would be examined. That was in the era of Richard Reid, the shoe bomber.
Then Abdulmutallab, a controlled patsy with links to foreign intelligence and supposed-al Qaeda mastermind Anwar al-Awlaki (who in reality is an asset who met secretly at the Pentagon after 9/11), went live with his ‘dud’ underwear bomb. Although it was a complete scare tactic, the ‘failed plot’ sufficiently played up the terror threat that had been waning in the Homeland ever since 9/11.
It was the biggest scare for terrorism in some time, and it has reinvigorated the security theater agenda since, while giving the perfect pretext to implement the body scanners. But it was all a lie (again). The stories of eyewitnesses Kurt Haskell and his wife proved true, as the FBI and other entities had to rework their account again and again to incorporate the known truth. Yet Haskell’s story was never truly followed up on, and we are less safe for it.
want ot read the rest? Go here....
December 25, 2010
One year after the “failed” Christmas Day bombing attempt by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, we are more vulnerable than ever. Not from foreign ‘jihadist’ terrorists, or unscanned Thermos containers, but from our own government. If would-be terrorists like Abdulmutallab are our enemy, why have Homeland Security resources been used to threaten and intimidate The People instead of following up on how Abdulmutallab got as far as he did?
What is the real threat we are fighting?
Little did anyone notice, the TSA had already been phasing in body scanners at major airports prior to December 25, 2009 with plans to mainstream them. Before last Christmas, airports like the one I traveled through in Phoenix in October 2009 displayed signs foretelling their imminent arrival. “Why do I have to take off my shoes?” a sign teased, before explaining the need to detect potential explosives. The sign then explained that full-body scanners could soon do away with the need to take off shoes, as the whole body would be examined. That was in the era of Richard Reid, the shoe bomber.
Then Abdulmutallab, a controlled patsy with links to foreign intelligence and supposed-al Qaeda mastermind Anwar al-Awlaki (who in reality is an asset who met secretly at the Pentagon after 9/11), went live with his ‘dud’ underwear bomb. Although it was a complete scare tactic, the ‘failed plot’ sufficiently played up the terror threat that had been waning in the Homeland ever since 9/11.
It was the biggest scare for terrorism in some time, and it has reinvigorated the security theater agenda since, while giving the perfect pretext to implement the body scanners. But it was all a lie (again). The stories of eyewitnesses Kurt Haskell and his wife proved true, as the FBI and other entities had to rework their account again and again to incorporate the known truth. Yet Haskell’s story was never truly followed up on, and we are less safe for it.
want ot read the rest? Go here....
Friday, December 24, 2010
You are being exposed to RADIATION whether you want to or not!!
Have you or a friend been diagnosed with cancer?? You just may want to know this…
Think DHS Is backing Off Scanners? Think Again!
Jason Douglass
December 24, 2010
After the staged TSA stand down during the national ‘opt-out’ day protests, mainstream media pretended public opinion had swayed when TSA temporarily relaxed their new techniques in order to diffuse the impact of the protests. But it has become painfully clear since then — that tech was just the beginning.
A press release from American Science and Engineering, Inc (“AS&E”) reveals a recent government contract for Z Portal screening systems valued up to $67 Million. As if this weren’t enough of a confirmation that the technology is here to stay, 3 days later another press release came out announcing an additional $4.9 million Z Portal order from U.S. Government and an additional $3.8 million order for ZBV Military Trailers announced on December 22nd. From these consistent orders we can infer that this technology is not only here to stay but is poised for proliferation.
From AS&E website:
Read the rest here..
If this does not scare you then you are still asleep!!! WAKE UP!!
Think DHS Is backing Off Scanners? Think Again!
Jason Douglass
December 24, 2010
After the staged TSA stand down during the national ‘opt-out’ day protests, mainstream media pretended public opinion had swayed when TSA temporarily relaxed their new techniques in order to diffuse the impact of the protests. But it has become painfully clear since then — that tech was just the beginning.
A press release from American Science and Engineering, Inc (“AS&E”) reveals a recent government contract for Z Portal screening systems valued up to $67 Million. As if this weren’t enough of a confirmation that the technology is here to stay, 3 days later another press release came out announcing an additional $4.9 million Z Portal order from U.S. Government and an additional $3.8 million order for ZBV Military Trailers announced on December 22nd. From these consistent orders we can infer that this technology is not only here to stay but is poised for proliferation.
From AS&E website:
Read the rest here..
If this does not scare you then you are still asleep!!! WAKE UP!!
Jim Bergamo
December 23, 2020
Early Wednesday morning, a computer glitch shut down a security checkpoint for a couple of hours at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport. The line snaked out the door as many travelers waited for more than an hour and some missed their flights. One of the first people in line after that shutdown never made it through. She was arrested and banned from the airport.
Claire Hirschkind, 56, who says she is a rape victim and who has a pacemaker-type device implanted in her chest, says her constitutional rights were violated. She says she never broke any laws. But the Transportation Security Administration disagrees.
Hirschkind was hoping to spend Christmas with friends in California, but she never made it past the security checkpoint.
"I can't go through because I have the equivalent of a pacemaker in me," she said.
Hirschkind said because of the device in her body, she was led to a female TSA employee and three Austin police officers. She says she was told she was going to be patted down.
"I turned to the police officer and said, 'I have given no due cause to give up my constitutional rights. You can wand me,'" and they said, 'No, you have to do this,'" she said.
Get the rest of the story here...
December 23, 2020
Early Wednesday morning, a computer glitch shut down a security checkpoint for a couple of hours at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport. The line snaked out the door as many travelers waited for more than an hour and some missed their flights. One of the first people in line after that shutdown never made it through. She was arrested and banned from the airport.
Claire Hirschkind, 56, who says she is a rape victim and who has a pacemaker-type device implanted in her chest, says her constitutional rights were violated. She says she never broke any laws. But the Transportation Security Administration disagrees.
Hirschkind was hoping to spend Christmas with friends in California, but she never made it past the security checkpoint.
"I can't go through because I have the equivalent of a pacemaker in me," she said.
Hirschkind said because of the device in her body, she was led to a female TSA employee and three Austin police officers. She says she was told she was going to be patted down.
"I turned to the police officer and said, 'I have given no due cause to give up my constitutional rights. You can wand me,'" and they said, 'No, you have to do this,'" she said.
Get the rest of the story here...
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Are you Domesticated? “Travel-trained: Americans take security with sigh”
John Galt
Activist Post
The latest all-propaganda piece to come out this week from the AP highlights the "sighing American." You know the one -- barely awake enough to see tyranny right under their nose (or feel it in their pants).
And it is all quite funny, you see, as the unusually long AP article compiled by a whole team of reporters opens with the threat of "explosive snow globes," to illustrate the aw-shucks component to how wild and crazy air travel has become. Luckily for the authorities, the 16-year-old potential terrorist holding the snow globe in question "bit her tongue and obeyed."
However, the article is quite serious in its assertions that it is just a few fringe lunatics, like that Don't Touch My Junk guy, who apparently enjoy their freedom. Not the open rebellion that led to a TSA stand down during the Thanksgiving weekend. Not the airports throwing out the TSA. Not the increasing number of towns rebelling. And certainly not the local police dispatched to airports with the directive to prosecute sexual assault by TSA agents. They also conveniently disregard the examples of psychopaths and pedophiles who have been found to be wearing the uniform of authority. Instead, to one good......
Read the rest here...
Activist Post
The latest all-propaganda piece to come out this week from the AP highlights the "sighing American." You know the one -- barely awake enough to see tyranny right under their nose (or feel it in their pants).
And it is all quite funny, you see, as the unusually long AP article compiled by a whole team of reporters opens with the threat of "explosive snow globes," to illustrate the aw-shucks component to how wild and crazy air travel has become. Luckily for the authorities, the 16-year-old potential terrorist holding the snow globe in question "bit her tongue and obeyed."
However, the article is quite serious in its assertions that it is just a few fringe lunatics, like that Don't Touch My Junk guy, who apparently enjoy their freedom. Not the open rebellion that led to a TSA stand down during the Thanksgiving weekend. Not the airports throwing out the TSA. Not the increasing number of towns rebelling. And certainly not the local police dispatched to airports with the directive to prosecute sexual assault by TSA agents. They also conveniently disregard the examples of psychopaths and pedophiles who have been found to be wearing the uniform of authority. Instead, to one good......
Read the rest here...
Sunday, December 12, 2010
"South Korea Trade Deal Lies, New Products, Sale"
Todd Lipscomb Go there to purchase outstanding made in the U.S.A. items.
"Did you know South Korea has been using trade tricks to block imports into their country, like having their IRS audit almost everyone there that buys a non-Korean car? Keep reading…
I have been watching Washington's efforts on the South Korean free trade deal with growing alarm.
Let's start with the big lies – our government says that this deal will add $11,000,000,000 in exports and add 70,000 USA jobs.
I have been to Korea many times when living in Asia. Korea is already a very saturated market for consumer and industrial goods. Will they suddenly need $11 billion in American goods? What are these goods? The newspapers say food we produce, like oranges. That is a lot of oranges! In fact, every single Korean would have to eat a bag of our oranges every day to get to that kind of number.
It is the same for 70,000 jobs created. Where, when? Orange pickers? I joke, but literally no details are coming through about these supposed jobs. Creating 70,000 real jobs would mean the creation or massive expansion at hundreds of factories creating goods to ship to Korea. If the politicians can find a dozen examples creating more than a hundred jobs I would be shocked and apologize right here.
Some people are saying we will export lots of new cars there, although there are other factors blocking that growth. For example, did you know the Korean government has been auditing the taxes of nearly everyone that buys a foreign car? That is literally like having our IRS audit everyone here that buys a Hyundai or Kia. The trade deal only address tariffs, ignoring the other usual gambits used in Asia to protect local markets. Also, the Korean car market is one of the most saturated in the world. There simply is not a pent up demand there waiting for our cars.
Sadly, I believe our automakers are staying out of this fight for two reasons – parts and bailouts. Parts, meaning literally car parts, which Detroit buys a lot of from Korea. Our car makers have been throwing their own USA based suppliers out at an alarming rate. The real gain they view is saving a few cents on a part at the expense of our national industrial base. Second, the automotive bailouts of GM and Chrysler left them so under the thumb of our government they dare not criticize the government.
Our so-called leaders say 70,000 jobs as if that is a "net" of jobs created versus jobs lost figure, but it is obviously not even close mathematically possible. They should speak in terms of the jobs created in the USA minus the jobs destroyed, except they do not bother. The truth is more factories, like those auto part makers, will cut shifts or close completely in the USA rather than open because of this bad deal.
The fact is this a much better deal for Korea, meaning Hyundai, Kia, Samsung, LG (yes, "Lucky Goldstar" is Korean), etc. than the USA. It is much more likely this will net a gain of 70,000 jobs in Korean, while the net will be tens of thousands of jobs lost here.
Why is Washington going to this extreme effort to sell us what is clearly a bad deal? I believe it has more than a little to do with the fact that South Korea owns nearly $250 billion of our foreign debt. That is part of the money Washington has been using to help fund these many years of free spending. It is a huge number, though not as large what we owe Japan or China. Korea's ownership of our debt is not the biggest, although they are closest to the exit. China and Japan both realize that they cannot dump our debt at once without causing historic economic chaos (that threat will be further addressed in an upcoming issue). Korea is starting to consider moving out of USA debt, not only to stop loaning more money, but also selling the USA debt they already own.
I believe this bizarrely one-sided deal favoring Korea is Washington's way of keeping Korea in the debt game for a few more years. Washington is trying to give Korea a bigger share of the USA in exchange for more short-term loans.
If only our leadership had the gumption to help grow our own domestic industry. That would not only pull us out of this recession, but actually tax revenues would rise too and they would not have to borrow from foreigners. "
Visit for more information you NEED to know.
Todd Lipscomb Go there to purchase outstanding made in the U.S.A. items.
"Did you know South Korea has been using trade tricks to block imports into their country, like having their IRS audit almost everyone there that buys a non-Korean car? Keep reading…
I have been watching Washington's efforts on the South Korean free trade deal with growing alarm.
Let's start with the big lies – our government says that this deal will add $11,000,000,000 in exports and add 70,000 USA jobs.
I have been to Korea many times when living in Asia. Korea is already a very saturated market for consumer and industrial goods. Will they suddenly need $11 billion in American goods? What are these goods? The newspapers say food we produce, like oranges. That is a lot of oranges! In fact, every single Korean would have to eat a bag of our oranges every day to get to that kind of number.
It is the same for 70,000 jobs created. Where, when? Orange pickers? I joke, but literally no details are coming through about these supposed jobs. Creating 70,000 real jobs would mean the creation or massive expansion at hundreds of factories creating goods to ship to Korea. If the politicians can find a dozen examples creating more than a hundred jobs I would be shocked and apologize right here.
Some people are saying we will export lots of new cars there, although there are other factors blocking that growth. For example, did you know the Korean government has been auditing the taxes of nearly everyone that buys a foreign car? That is literally like having our IRS audit everyone here that buys a Hyundai or Kia. The trade deal only address tariffs, ignoring the other usual gambits used in Asia to protect local markets. Also, the Korean car market is one of the most saturated in the world. There simply is not a pent up demand there waiting for our cars.
Sadly, I believe our automakers are staying out of this fight for two reasons – parts and bailouts. Parts, meaning literally car parts, which Detroit buys a lot of from Korea. Our car makers have been throwing their own USA based suppliers out at an alarming rate. The real gain they view is saving a few cents on a part at the expense of our national industrial base. Second, the automotive bailouts of GM and Chrysler left them so under the thumb of our government they dare not criticize the government.
Our so-called leaders say 70,000 jobs as if that is a "net" of jobs created versus jobs lost figure, but it is obviously not even close mathematically possible. They should speak in terms of the jobs created in the USA minus the jobs destroyed, except they do not bother. The truth is more factories, like those auto part makers, will cut shifts or close completely in the USA rather than open because of this bad deal.
The fact is this a much better deal for Korea, meaning Hyundai, Kia, Samsung, LG (yes, "Lucky Goldstar" is Korean), etc. than the USA. It is much more likely this will net a gain of 70,000 jobs in Korean, while the net will be tens of thousands of jobs lost here.
Why is Washington going to this extreme effort to sell us what is clearly a bad deal? I believe it has more than a little to do with the fact that South Korea owns nearly $250 billion of our foreign debt. That is part of the money Washington has been using to help fund these many years of free spending. It is a huge number, though not as large what we owe Japan or China. Korea's ownership of our debt is not the biggest, although they are closest to the exit. China and Japan both realize that they cannot dump our debt at once without causing historic economic chaos (that threat will be further addressed in an upcoming issue). Korea is starting to consider moving out of USA debt, not only to stop loaning more money, but also selling the USA debt they already own.
I believe this bizarrely one-sided deal favoring Korea is Washington's way of keeping Korea in the debt game for a few more years. Washington is trying to give Korea a bigger share of the USA in exchange for more short-term loans.
If only our leadership had the gumption to help grow our own domestic industry. That would not only pull us out of this recession, but actually tax revenues would rise too and they would not have to borrow from foreigners. "
Visit for more information you NEED to know.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Your Toxic Tap Water
Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Dr. Paul Connett, Professor of Chemistry at St. Lawrence University in New York, gives a damning interview on the history of water fluoridation, the collusion of major industries to put certified toxic waste into your drinking water, and why government health authorities refuse to conduct scientific studies into the dangers of fluoridation. After watching this video, you will never look at tap water the same way again.
Connett describes how he initially thought people who opposed fluoridation were “a bunch of whackos,” before conducting his own research which found that sodium fluoride was a toxic substance that contributed to a wide array of health defects. Heavy industry is barred from dumping this toxic waste into the sea by international law, but being able to sell it enables them to remove its hazardous characteristic and it becomes a product, explains Connett, polluting not only our water supply but also toothpaste and thousands of different foods.
Connett provides a detail run down of the many health problems caused by fluoride consumption, including dental fluorosis, which the Centers For Disease Control just recently announced was a problem for 41 per cent of children aged 12-15 in the United States, clearly indicating that children are being over-exposed to fluoride and that this is affecting other tissues and organs in the body, including bone disorders, a problem also wreaking havoc amongst adults in the United States as one in three now suffer from arthritis, which again is being caused by a build-up of toxic fluoride in the body. Connett also points to fluoride’s connection with thyroid disorders.
You have to see the rest...
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Dr. Paul Connett, Professor of Chemistry at St. Lawrence University in New York, gives a damning interview on the history of water fluoridation, the collusion of major industries to put certified toxic waste into your drinking water, and why government health authorities refuse to conduct scientific studies into the dangers of fluoridation. After watching this video, you will never look at tap water the same way again.
Connett describes how he initially thought people who opposed fluoridation were “a bunch of whackos,” before conducting his own research which found that sodium fluoride was a toxic substance that contributed to a wide array of health defects. Heavy industry is barred from dumping this toxic waste into the sea by international law, but being able to sell it enables them to remove its hazardous characteristic and it becomes a product, explains Connett, polluting not only our water supply but also toothpaste and thousands of different foods.
Connett provides a detail run down of the many health problems caused by fluoride consumption, including dental fluorosis, which the Centers For Disease Control just recently announced was a problem for 41 per cent of children aged 12-15 in the United States, clearly indicating that children are being over-exposed to fluoride and that this is affecting other tissues and organs in the body, including bone disorders, a problem also wreaking havoc amongst adults in the United States as one in three now suffer from arthritis, which again is being caused by a build-up of toxic fluoride in the body. Connett also points to fluoride’s connection with thyroid disorders.
You have to see the rest...
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Don't be an American Idiot!!
How can you follow a ball team that trades players for better players by “buying” top players from other teams or organizations with money in PART from the hard earned money YOU pay to watch your favorite team play, or from funds that come from all the official merchandise you buy with your team logo on it!!
You are rooting for a team that is bought and paid for with players they buy in hopes of creating a winning team. All paid for in part either directly or indirectly with your money.
It’s time to focus your efforts on means to get our country, our freedoms, and our jobs back!! It’s time to stop the raping of our rights!!
Do they have YOU just about where they want you! Who are "they"? Go here to find out! They gave you beer, sports and apple pie, &..."Violations of the Constitution continue as many still sit on their asses watching American Idol, or a bunch of over grown, overpaid kids playing a kids game of FOOTBALL, ripping beer farts all day." I hope this is not you!! Don't be this!!.. An American Idiot ! YOU are at the right place to learn NOT to be one!
Visit for more you need to know!!
You are rooting for a team that is bought and paid for with players they buy in hopes of creating a winning team. All paid for in part either directly or indirectly with your money.
It’s time to focus your efforts on means to get our country, our freedoms, and our jobs back!! It’s time to stop the raping of our rights!!
Do they have YOU just about where they want you! Who are "they"? Go here to find out! They gave you beer, sports and apple pie, &..."Violations of the Constitution continue as many still sit on their asses watching American Idol, or a bunch of over grown, overpaid kids playing a kids game of FOOTBALL, ripping beer farts all day." I hope this is not you!! Don't be this!!.. An American Idiot ! YOU are at the right place to learn NOT to be one!
Visit for more you need to know!!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
"I don’t want to reform the American state. I wish to weaken it."
"I don’t want to reform the American state. I wish to weaken it. I wish to see its power reduced and even possibly eliminated. I want an end to empire, and I almost don’t care about the cost. I want Americans to love America for its smallness and peculiarity, not for its largeness or its universality. I want the country I live in to be a normal country, in which government — especially the centralized state — doesn’t really matter all that much. I want soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines here at home doing honest, decent work, and not scattered across 1,000 bases in 120 countries. I want Americans to stop trying to save the world and instead tending to their families and supporting their communities. Love and duty are for neighbor, not ideology or history or state or regime."
Just what is this person trying to say??? Where did this come from? Read the rest to make sense of it...
Just what is this person trying to say??? Where did this come from? Read the rest to make sense of it...
Water..the new "Blue Gold". Stop buying bottled water!! Filter what you have!
Folks if you know friends and /or family that live in the Great Lakes region, Lake Michigan region, TX and New Mexico, you will or SHOULD be hearing horror stories from them about the lowering water levels in lakes and streams!! This is a dire situation and YOU could be contributing to it!! Who else is?? China!! We owe China so much and they NEED fresh water as their rivers, streams, and lakes are being polluted with the industrial waste from their unchecked industrial juggernaut that WE have allowed them to have by buying all the products THEY make. Products WE used to make!
I know of one company who is selling Chinese products disguised as "Made in U.S.A", but instead is made in CHINA! Now this American company is contributing to this peril, so even if you buy products that say "Made in U.S.A" does NOT mean it is. Scary!
If you will start watching Jesse Ventura's new series on TRU TV on Friday evenings you will learn more disturbing things about this. I was froze with fright when I saw this particular show last night, and with all the other things I have learned in the past 2 years it is even more frightening!!
See the following article for more info.....
"Shocker: Feminizing-uranium, fluoride & lithium in water to be exposed on Ventura TV show"
Just in case you missed Jesse Ventura's conspiracy series last Friday night 12/03/10, which you NEED to start watching or Recording on Friday evenings on truTV, click the link bellow to learn some disturbing information.....
Part 1!/video/video.php?v=182076135141717&oid=190824176445&comments
Part 2!/video/video.php?v=182070698475594&oid=190824176445&comments
Part 3!/video/video.php?v=182061895143141&oid=190824176445&comments
What your options? If you live in the country... no problem, drill your own, just make sure you are not drilling near some waste dump! If you live in the city install charcoal filters in your supply plumbing. Better yet, install filters that are impregnated with SILVER and charcoal! They are about 80 dollars but the silver in them will help prevent any organisms, viruses or any other harmful items that could make and you sick. Well worth the money. You just may not have to visit the doctor as often as you used to!!
Go here to learn how the George Bush Sr. and Jr. are about to steal water from the Paraguayans in Paraguay!! Of course this is in Part 1 of the videos above!

I know of one company who is selling Chinese products disguised as "Made in U.S.A", but instead is made in CHINA! Now this American company is contributing to this peril, so even if you buy products that say "Made in U.S.A" does NOT mean it is. Scary!
If you will start watching Jesse Ventura's new series on TRU TV on Friday evenings you will learn more disturbing things about this. I was froze with fright when I saw this particular show last night, and with all the other things I have learned in the past 2 years it is even more frightening!!
See the following article for more info.....
"Shocker: Feminizing-uranium, fluoride & lithium in water to be exposed on Ventura TV show"
Just in case you missed Jesse Ventura's conspiracy series last Friday night 12/03/10, which you NEED to start watching or Recording on Friday evenings on truTV, click the link bellow to learn some disturbing information.....
Part 1!/video/video.php?v=182076135141717&oid=190824176445&comments
Part 2!/video/video.php?v=182070698475594&oid=190824176445&comments
Part 3!/video/video.php?v=182061895143141&oid=190824176445&comments
What your options? If you live in the country... no problem, drill your own, just make sure you are not drilling near some waste dump! If you live in the city install charcoal filters in your supply plumbing. Better yet, install filters that are impregnated with SILVER and charcoal! They are about 80 dollars but the silver in them will help prevent any organisms, viruses or any other harmful items that could make and you sick. Well worth the money. You just may not have to visit the doctor as often as you used to!!
Go here to learn how the George Bush Sr. and Jr. are about to steal water from the Paraguayans in Paraguay!! Of course this is in Part 1 of the videos above!
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