I know of one company who is selling Chinese products disguised as "Made in U.S.A", but instead is made in CHINA! Now this American company is contributing to this peril, so even if you buy products that say "Made in U.S.A" does NOT mean it is. Scary!
If you will start watching Jesse Ventura's new series on TRU TV on Friday evenings you will learn more disturbing things about this. I was froze with fright when I saw this particular show last night, and with all the other things I have learned in the past 2 years it is even more frightening!!
See the following article for more info.....
"Shocker: Feminizing-uranium, fluoride & lithium in water to be exposed on Ventura TV show"
Just in case you missed Jesse Ventura's conspiracy series last Friday night 12/03/10, which you NEED to start watching or Recording on Friday evenings on truTV, click the link bellow to learn some disturbing information.....
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
What your options? If you live in the country... no problem, drill your own, just make sure you are not drilling near some waste dump! If you live in the city install charcoal filters in your supply plumbing. Better yet, install filters that are impregnated with SILVER and charcoal! They are about 80 dollars but the silver in them will help prevent any organisms, viruses or any other harmful items that could make and you sick. Well worth the money. You just may not have to visit the doctor as often as you used to!!
Go here to learn how the George Bush Sr. and Jr. are about to steal water from the Paraguayans in Paraguay!! http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=132x3192723 Of course this is in Part 1 of the videos above!
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