Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Doctors, Drugs, and Vaccine Scams

Why is your doctor prescribing that medication he or she is giving you?? It might be that it is helping you for what ever is ailing you or is it, or is it because they are being paid by big pharma. Folks do you realize that your doctor is being influenced by some slick pill salesperson that may not even have a doctor's degree in medicine, but they can tell a slick story and give away a nice exotic trip to the doctor just for prescribing their pills. Shucks they may even given them some stock options in the big pharma. For a nice enticement. Think about that when your doctor says take this pill and call me in a month!!! It is all a big scam!!

Yes, some medications are good for what they are for, but some are worthless. I take prescription medication, but I know what it is for and the doctor I go to I TRUST. I trust him because I was on a medication from another doctor that was killing me and this current doctor told me NOT to take that medication anymore and he has given me one that is safer and works well.

VACCINES?? Now there are some REAL RED FLAGS about those things. You will need to see this for a start. There is Much , MUCH more coming out every day !! BEWARE!! Check this out.. http://www.infowars.com/educated-families-increasingly-refusing-vaccinations/
Mike of www.inforwars.com "talks with a U.S. Army Medic, Sean Niemi, who reports about refusing to take and give his troops, an experimental vaccine and being court marshaled in the aftermath. He also points out how the army ignored it's own laws just so he could be made an example of, incase others might follow his footsteps. Money was withheld as well." Well of course. http://vaccinebattles.wordpress.com/ 

Mike has told a story of a trip to Hawaii were he went into a hotel where there was a convention of doctors for a mandatory  anual training. He noticed that some doctors were signing in, but were then leaving. He asked on e them hwy was he leaving, and the doctor told them that they did not actually have to attend the training ,but just sign in. They could then go ahead and enjoy a Hawaii vacation on the big pharma company with their family. WHAT?? SOOOOOO the next time you visit your doctor, ask them how they enjoyed their free vacation!!  


Visit http://www.infowars.com/ http://www.donniegs.yolasite.com/ 

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