Inventor and Scientist Speaks Out Against Poisonous Fluoride: Video
They are forcing us to take vaccinations like the flu vaccines and other vaccines for our children.You do not have to have your children vaccinated! Most state have a waver form you can fill out all you have to do is ask for it. IF the one you are living in does not, I would consider moving out of it and moving to one that does.
They are constantly telling us to stop eating foods that are actually GOOD for us like eggs, red meat (range feed or wild IS better by the way), lard, and other things people that are living to well over 100 these days ate when THEY WERE Young! Think about what people ate 60 or more years age BEFORE all the low fat diets and vegetable oils. Even extra virgin olive oil!! Folks used LARD and NOT GMO (genetically modified) food, fruits, vegetables and meats!! NOW days the younger generation raised in the past 60 to 70 years are lucky to live to 65 to 75, 75 being the new lifespan prediction. Folks if we would start eating the way folks that were raised over 100 years ago we would have a better chance of living to well over 100 years of age. Think about it. Ask someone who has lived to be over 100 what they ate when they were young. Do it. You would or may be surprised. IT is NOTHING to do with genetics, but the quality of life and foods they ate or drank.
Every time you go to the doctor for a cold, flu, or whatever, which I WILL NOT DO, he or she will want to shoot you up with antibiotics. Guess what happens when you keep getting that stuff pumped into you?? You don't know? I'll tell you, you become resistant to all of them and then soon you become a target to "super bugs", and THEN YOU ARE SCREWED!! You might as well make sure your will is taken care of, that you have life insurance, and that you have burial arraignments made. Also most important, make sure your soul is right with whoever you believe in because the clock in ticking down for you, and it will not be pleasant. THAT is the blunt facts. Sorry to see you go so soon. You could have made it to a 100 plus.
They tell us to eat things that cause us to have high cholesterol such as eat low fat foods, use vegetable oils, olive oils, extra, extra virgin olive oils, use low fat milks. Also there days eat high grain foods, cereals and such. ALL these thing causes you to have heart disease and high cholesterol ! It is a BIG PHARMA, BIG MED, money making bonanza!!
Oh and don't forget those diabetes creating foods like all those sugary cereals, pastries, cake, they twist your arm to have for BREAKFAST in the morning of all things!! Boy is THAT a fine thing to have to get your motor going for the day!! Good grief and you wonder why you are crashing and burning withing 2 hours or less by the time you get to work and cannot concentrate on what you are suppose to be doing and are falling asleep so you grab a cup of coffee and pour some more sugar into it and get a buzz for a little while and the crash within a few minutes so you go for one of those new fangled energy drink that says it will keep you alert for hours but some how you don't feel well. Hmmm. I don't understand. Well sorry I lied, I do, but YOU don't.Oh you think hey I will be okay going sugar free.... LOL!!! Think again.. They got you there too!!....
Don't forget to take you vaccines!! Yeah buddy, those things will really help. Read this....
Video Report: Shingles Vaccine Gives You Shingles!
And this...
IF you will study the diets of the 1950's and earlier and the health of people other that the diseases which if you will probable do some digging, and research, you will find were man made, you will find that for the most part people did not have heart disease and cholesterol problems they are having today.I bet you will if you will take some time to study all the diseases in the world, they were either cause from ignorance, or on purpose by man for the purpose to make money because of greed.
You need to learn how to grow your own food. Move out of the city if you live in one and into the suburbia if not the country. You can grow vegetables in small plots and in raised beds and pot..
If you have city water chances are it is has chlorine fluoride and other chemicals in it. DO NOT water your crops or animals with this!! You MUST collect rain water and this can be easily done my purchasing good quality trash can WITH lids so that you can keep the water covered. cut a hole in the lid just large enough to fit your gutter drain spout into it and then into the can. Now you can raise the lid up the spout and it will hold it while you collect the water. If you want you can purchase a small electric sump pump that you can attach a garden hose to and drop the pump in the the can/barrel and pump the water to you plant.
Stay tuned for more!! In the mean time you need to go back to my blog to learn ALL you can on how you can how you can turn the table to these nasty, EVIL BASTARDS!! I AM!! THEY CAN KISS MY ASS!!
The following video is more damning evidence that they want us dead because they say the world is over populated. WE NEED to figure a way to have this shut down!! This is not the only station on the globe so they All need to be shut down.!!
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